Independent Operators

Alan Bowes L&E chairman

L&E horror film

New documentary claims smoke ban will be lethal to children

Building the brand

Building the brand

Now the only regional brewer in the North East, Camerons has big plans, as Phil Mellows reports.Sometimes one little mistake can seem to haunt you...

A pile of newspapers

What the papers say

By Iain O'Neil

A regular Monday morning look back at how the weekend's papers reported issues affecting the licensed trade.

Trust Inns buoyant as profits climb yet again

Trust Inns buoyant as profits climb yet again

By The PMA Team and Tony Halstead

Trust Inns, the 506-strong tenanted pub operator owned by millionaire Trevor Hemmings, has reported increased profit for the fifth year in a row....

John and Valerie Pascoe

CAMRA announces Pub of the Year

By Iain O'Neil

A pub which faced closure ten years ago has won CAMRA Pub of the Year for the second time. The Swan - a 16th century cottage style pub - in Little...

pusweek logo

National Pubs Week

By Iain O'Neil

As National Pubs Week approaches send us details of your event and we will post them on the website



That's a Jolie good pud Snifter spotted Angelina Jolie, in the company of boyfriend Brad Pitt, in the Black Horse, near her home in Fulmer,...



Dave Daly, licensee of Cahoots in Blackpool and chairman of the National Association of Licensed House Managers If underage drinking is to be...



The new Licensing Act was supposed to make it easier for pubs to host live music. Three months into the legislation James Wilmore puts his ear to the...

The entertainers

The entertainers

Everything's on offer, from electronic jukeboxes to quizzes and game showsGame shows add atmosphere Television game shows provided the inspiration...

pile of newspapers

What the papers say

By Iain O'Neil

A regular Monday morning look back at how the weekend's papers reported issues affecting the licensed trade. Sunday Observer The Observer reports...

Added value

Added value

Does the profits method of valuing pubs gauge the property or the business value? Robert May explains the subtle differences.There are some trading...

Dream on!

Dream on!

National Pubs Week is almost here. While the Campaign for Real Ale has been busy directing people towards their perfect pub in the run up to the week...

Bernard Brindley in the White Lion, Pailton.

The Guv'nor

Bernard Brindley, licensee at the White Lion, Pailton, Warwickshire: Police should act in a more honest and up-front fashion to help crack down on...

Police investigate death of Licensee

Police investigate death of Licensee

Police are investigating the suspicious death of a Gloucestershire licensee. South African Jacqui Bisset, 30, was found dead in the upstairs flat at...

pile of newspapers

What the papers say

By Iain O'Neil

Iain O'Neil takes a regular Monday morning look at how the weekend's papers reported the licensed trade.

Playing the game

Playing the game

This year's ATEI show threw up a few thoughts for the pub trade, as Phil Mellows explains.Behind the urgent commotion of noise and light at this...

MA Awards Best Pubwatch 2006

MA Awards Best Pubwatch 2006

By Iain O'Neil

Mid Devon Pubwatch Judges praised Mid Devon Pubwatch for going from strength to strength and pioneering an initiative to make offenders sign a...

My Shout

My Shout

Barry Gillham has some advice on how to avoid being ripped off by rogue property agents Following its campaign to root out 'rogue pub companies',...

What the papers say.

What the papers say.

Iain O'Neil takes a regular Monday morning look at what the weekend's national newspapers had to say about the licensed trade.

May the force be with you

May the force be with you

Marstons and the Morning Advertiser's CaskForce venture is providing licensees with invaluable information on how to keep their beer in the best possible shape. Jo de Mille caught up with the man spearheading the countrywide training programme.

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