A round with The Publican

What made the news in The Publican this week 10 years ago, five years ago and last year.1996Magistrates who refuse would-be publicans for failing to...

What made the news in The Publican this week 10 years ago, five years ago and last year.


  • Magistrates who refuse would-be publicans for failing to have a National Licensee's Certificate could be acting beyond their powers, according to claims from a leading solicitor
  • United Breweries unveils plans for a £19.75m takeover of London-based pub operator Marr Taverns
  • Scottish Courage ends its controversial "Beer of the South" poster campaign for Courage Best, which featured slogans such as "Heads are thicker up North".


  • The trade takes its fight for a cut in beer duty to Europe as pressure mounts on Chancellor Gordon Brown to tackle the issue in his forthcoming Budget
  • Pubs could end up paying up to £400 more every year for their gas and electricity supply when then the new Climate Change Levy comes into force on April 1
  • The Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association mounts a high-profile campaign to make sure MPs discussing the Criminal Justice and Police Bill are aware of the trade's opinion.


  • Seven days into the transition to a new licensing regime, The Publican is flooded with calls from worried licensees claiming local authorities are not prepared for the change
  • The Department of Trade & Industry agrees to look into Dorset broker GatewayFinance.co.uk following The Publican's exposé about licensees being left out of pocket
  • Trade leaders are warning that the hospitality industry could be faced with a deficit of 10,000 workers due to the Home Secretary's tough new stance on immigration.

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