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Beware of employing the 'tipping culture' at your pub

Beware of employing the 'tipping culture' at your pub

By Mark Daniels

So a survey has discovered that 62% of us Brits are reluctant to tip when visiting pubs or restaurants? (I know, it’s old news from July, but I’m just trying to catch up on stories that I bookmarked before the Olympics/School Summer Holidays began.) Quite...

The Big Interview: Elizabeth Carter, the Good Food Guide

The Big Interview: Elizabeth Carter, the Good Food Guide

By Lesley Foottit

It seems that fate had a hand in where Elizabeth Carter is today. After three-and-a-half years in Majorca she returned to England and the next day leafed through a magazine where there was a job advertised for an inspector for Egon Ronay. It was only...

Eating-out market forecast to rise to £65bn by 2017

Eating-out market forecast to rise to £65bn by 2017

By Mark Wingett, M&C Report

Turnover across the UK’s informal eating-out market is set to grow by 3% to reach £52bn in 2012 and is forecast to rise to £65bn by 2017, according to the latest research by Allegra.

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