Independent Operators

Peer is hoping to make it easier for pubs to host live music

New bid to free up live pub music

By John Harrington

A Liberal Democrat peer is to table a Private Member's Bill to make it easier for pubs to stage live music. Lord Clement-Jones' Bill wants the...

Beefeater: deals have sparked uplift

Pub meal deals spark Whitbread growth

By Ewan Turney

Value meal deals sparked a 2% like-for-like sales increase at Whitbread's pub restaurants for the 13 weeks to 28 May. Whitbread, which owns the...

Thorley: 300 pub sales to licensees

Thorley: 300 hosts lined up to buy pubs

By The PMA Team

The number of individual Punch licensees who end up buying their pub is likely to end up well in excess of 300. This morning, Punch said there were around 300 deals either complete or going through legals.

Pubwatch bans: under scrutiny again

Pubwatch bans back in High Court

By MA reporter

The legality of Pubwatch bans face further examination as a second legal challenge got underway in the High Court today. Drinker Francis James Boyle,...

Dixon: strong words for the pubcos

Dixon: 10 areas for pubco change

By The PMA Team

Industry expert Phil Dixon has told tenanted pub company chiefs that the pubco/tenant relationship must change in ten areas.

Protz: Guiness has been a remarkable success

250 years of the black stuff

By Roger Protz

When Arthur Guinness signed the lease on a brewery in 1759 it was the start of a legend, says Roger Protz.

Charity: tenanted sector has been rocked

Pubco power in the balance

By The PMA Team

Major tenanted companies are now trying to put together a unified response to the hostile Bec report. The PMA Team looks at what might happen.

Linacre: should the tie stay?

The whys and wherefores of the tie

By Peter Linacre

Two unrelated news events in this weekend's press made me ponder the continuing saga of the beer tie, says Peter Linacre.

Pring: awards show pubs at their best

MA pub awards show the way

By Andrew Pring

It's right and proper, given the range of problems traced to their door, that the post-Bec talk has been all about what pubcos must do to change the way they operate, says Andrew Pring.

Buck up Banks: MA is calling for action

Proof that HSBC won't lend to pubs

By John Harrington

HSBC is the bank that likes to say "no" to pubs — it's official. An email from an HSBC local manager, seen by the Morning Advertiser, shows clearly...

Court not Caution: Pubwatch campaign

Licensee enraged by attack

By John Harrington

A licensee has written a barrage of letters to people in authority complaining that justice has not been meted out to thugs who attack hosts and pub...

ALMRchief executive Nick Bish has asked for six months to save the pub industry

ALMR: give us 6 months to sort it out

By MA reporter

The Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers has written to BEC chairman Peter Luff asking for six months to sort the industry's problems out.

Cost of a pub meal hit a high in 2008

Pub meal prices could drop to 2006 levels

By Ewan Turney

The cost of a pub meal could drop back to 2006 levels as competition for customers increases, according to one market analyst. Peter Backman of...

Rolling out the new: AWP prizes rise from Friday

AWP pub prizes double from Friday

By John Harrington

AWP suppliers say they're working hard to ensure pubs can offer higher stakes and prizes when they get the green light to do so this Friday. From...

AWPs: ruling could mean VAT rebates

Hope for pub AWP tax windfall

By John Harrington

Licensees and pub operators could claim some of the £500m windfall in overpaid VAT on gaming machines after a landmark High Court ruling.  The...

Best Bar None: rewarding responsibility

Sheffield goes for Best Bar None

By Ewan Turney

Sheffield is the latest city to establish a Best Bar None scheme to reward best practice in licensed premises. The scheme launches on 15 June at...

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