
Pub games machines tips

Top tips for better gaming machines returns

By Simon Barff

Modern pub retailing is all about food and drink isn’t it? Well, no. The majority of pubs have a huge, and in many cases, untapped, opportunity to drive profits up – by up to 30% – through a greater focus on AWP machines, and machine players.

Pub buying first time guide

7 steps to buying your first pub

Purchasing your first pub can be hugely nerve-racking, with a multitude of things to consider before you get your name above the door. Property agent Fleurets offers its top tips.

Pub raffle gambling tips

Top 10 tips for holding a pub raffle

By Poppleston Allen

A raffle can be like your favourite pie — it looks simple on the outside, but if you get the ingredients wrong it can leave a nasty taste in your mouth.

Preparing for summer: Selecting your pubs' drinks offer

Preparing for summer: Selecting your pubs' drinks offer

By Sonya Hook

It’s hard to imagine sunshine after the gloom and cold of the past few months, but warmer weather is on its way. And while we don’t have the Olympics and international football tournaments to look forward to this summer, there’s still plenty that publicans...

How to... Handle noise complaints

How to... Handle noise complaints

By Poppleston Allen

You have owned and traded your premises for a number of years. On weekend nights in particular you rely on promoted DJ events to entice people into your premises. During the years when this has been going on you have never had a single complaint from...

How to... Deal with accidents

How to... Deal with accidents

By Pat Perry

Today's hunger for news means that businesses have an incredibly small window to control incidents before they become headlines, presenting the potential for further damage beyond the incident itself. Businesses need to be better prepared, advises...

Pub health and safety employer responsibilities

How to... Manage health & safety

By Pat Perry

As an employer you are responsible for the health, safety and welfare of all your employees regardless of whether they are full or part-time, casual or permanent staff.

Thatchers ciders radiate vintage style

Cider Trends

By Jessica Mason

Cider brands are mirroring consumers’ enthusiasm for all things vintage by shouting about provenance and authenticity and creating their own unique style. Jessica Mason looks at the latest cider trends.

Pubs outdoor furniture gardens play areas

Top tips on outdoor furniture and equipment

By Sheila McWattie

Pubs must give their outdoor areas some attention if they are to pack in the punters over the coming months. Sheila McWattie looks at which companies are offering the very latest furniture and provides equipment tips for operators.

WKD leads alcopop consumption in pubs

RTDs - The Fight for Fridge Space

By Jessica Mason

You may remember them as alcopops. But, times have changed and alcoholic ready-to-drink beverages are innovating as they fight for space in your fridge.

Top energy saving tips for pubs

Top energy saving tips for pubs

Many pubs and hospitality business could cut their energy bills by as much as 20% just by implementing simple energy efficiency measures, according to the Carbon Trust. These measures include control of air conditioning, installing low-energy lighting...

BII annual lunch guests to get iPads

BII annual lunch guests to get iPads

By Michelle Perrett

Guests attending the BII Luncheon will be served up with iPads which will allow them access to a wide range of information during the annual event.

Pubwatch schemes provide vital guidance

Pubwatch schemes provide vital guidance

By Michael Kheng

I am pleased to announce that I have recently been asked by National Pubwatch to be its regional representative for the East Midlands, a position that I have proudly accepted.

Frosty Jacks white cider deal at One Stop Tesco stores

PMA asks readers to name and shame cheap drink offers

By Mike Berry

The Publican's Morning Advertiser is calling on readers to report cheap irresponsible drink promotions in the off-trade after it found Frosty Jacks cider being sold for less than 17p a unit.

Mums need to be pampered on 10 March

Top 10 tips for Mother's Day

. Make sure classic roast beef and lamb dishes are on the menu, plus lighter choices like chicken and salmon. 2. Make sure wine can be bought by...

How pubs can make the most of Mothers' Day

How pubs can make the most of Mothers' Day

By Phil Mellows

Mothers’ Day, on 10 March, is a prime opportunity for pubs to make the most of their food offer, by providing good value and a relaxed ambience. Phil Mellows reports

The day I became a pubco CEO

The day I became a pubco CEO

By Robert Sayles

An official looking letter arrived through the post last week. It was an invitation to Number 10.

Give guests a reason to visit your pub

Give guests a reason to visit your pub

By Anthony Pender

2013 is already well underway and it is safe to assume it is going to be another challenging year. One thing that is clear this year is that certain businesses are weathering the storm better than others.

Punch Taverns chief Roger Whiteside on his achievements and the future

Roger Whiteside: foundations for the future

As I prepare to leave the stormy seas of the pub sector to return to the more familiar but no less perilous waters of high-street retailing, I have been asked to pen a few words reflecting on our achievements at Punch Taverns during my time, and the challenges...

PRS boss vows to simplify music royalty tariffs for pubs

PRS boss vows to simplify music royalty tariffs for pubs

By Gurjit Degun

Playing music in your pub can be a big revenue driver, but licensees need to be on the ball when it comes to the licence they require. Gurjit Degun speaks to Robert Ashcroft, chief executive of the music royalties collection agency PRS for Music, about...

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