Other operators

Buck up Banks: MA campaign

NatWest refuses to lend funds to pubs

By Gurjit Degun

NatWest has told a licensee that it does not have a "positive stance" towards lending to pubs. In an email seen by the Morning Advertiser, Julie...

Charity: make staff feel valued

Making pub staff feel valued

By The PMA Team

Communicating with staff and making them feel valued isn't costly — and it can drastically reduce staff turnover, says The PMA Team.

Unit information: one of the pledges

Pubs urged to make responsibility pledges

By John Harrington, M&C Report

Pub operators have been asked to make three specific commitments on responsible retailing — including providing alcohol unit information at point...

Tchenguiz: confident he will be cleared

Tchenguiz brothers arrested

By John Harrington, M&C Report

Robert Tchenguiz has been arrested along with his brother Vincent as part of the investigation into the collapse of Icelandic investment bank Kaupthing.

Sharing the load

Sharing the load

By Hamish Champ

McMullen's, the Hertfordshire-based brewer and retailer, hopes its new type of letting agreement will help attract entrepreneurial individuals to the...

CAMRA: 40th birthday this month

Breweries backing CAMRA milestone

By Michelle Perrett

Breweries are getting behind the 40th birthday of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) this month with the launch of a range of dedicated ales.

Craik previously worked for Yates's

Ex-Premium director nets second site

By The PMA Team

Premium Bars & Restaurants' former group commercial director Caroline Craik is opening her second Punch leased site. She will re-open the Dog...

Whittle: wants to see terms brought back

Move to cut pub inventory disputes

By Gurjit Degun

Disputes between tenants and pub companies about inventories could be reduced thanks to a new procedure agreed by more than 100 pub property valuers....

Charity: pubs can learn from each other

Feed off big boys' ingenuity

By The PMA Team

Pubs can capitalise on the fact that it's good value, and more convenient, for punters to venture out to eat than dine at home, says The PMA Team.

Stuart Bateman: no increase on XB

Batemans' price-rise deal

By The PMA Team

Lincolnshire brewer and retailer Batemans has offered its licensees the opportunity to cancel out price rises on a key company product this year....

New chief executive at Atmosphere Bar and Clubs

Harbottle replaces Crabtree at Atmosphere

By The PMA Team

David Crabtree has stepped down as chief executive of Atmosphere Bar and Clubs. Former JDW chief operating officer Paul Harbottle will replace him.

William and Kate will marry next month

Right royal pub festivities

By Michelle Perrett

Pubs are capitalising on royal-wedding fever with a range of imaginative food promotions. London pub operators ETM Group and Renaissance have...

Brook Lodge Bar: in administration

Belfast pubco in administration

By Lesley Foottit

A west Belfast based pub company that has a chain of pubs in the city has gone into administration. Castle Street Inns owns six bars, which are...

Whitbread: bought Coffee Nation

Whitbread buys Coffee Nation

By Mark Wingett, M&C Report

Whitbread, the leisure group, has this morning reported a 6.7% increase in like-for-like sales for the 50 weeks to 17 February 2011, driven by strong...

Greyhound Inn: Phillips' new pub

TV presenter takes on Dorset pub

By Lesley Foottit

TV presenter Fiona Phillips has become the latest celebrity to venture into pub ownership. She and husband Martin Frizell have bought the freehold...

Alec Roud: dedicated to the industry

BII veteran Alec Roud dies

By John Harrington

Tributes have been paid to Alec Roud, BII founding member and chairman of the BII Wessex region, who died on Thursday (24 February).

Rawlings: fighting pubs' corner

Martin Rawlings: the dogged campaigner

By Phil Mellows

Martin Rawlings has fought the pub trade's corner with steely determination. He talks to Phil Mellows about what makes a campaign succeed.

The Fourth Option

The Fourth Option

By Hamish Champ

The days of filling in order forms for a pub's supplies and things like staff rotas and holidays could soon be a thing of the past for an increasing...

Newcastle Arms: revamp underway

Everards gives customers say on pub revamp

By John Harrington

Everards is giving customers the chance to have their say on the planned revamp of Nottinghamshire pub via an on-line blog. The Newcastle Arms,...

Challenge 25: compulsory in Scotland from October

Mandatory Challenge 25 for Scots pubs

By Lesley Foottit

Making the Challenge 25 age check policy compulsory in pubs on Saturday 1 October could be "very problematic for pubs", says SBPA.

Last Rat & Parrot closes today

UK's last Rat & Parrot pub closes

By John Harrington

The UK's last Rat & Parrot, the former Scottish & Newcastle Retail brand, closes today. TCG, which operates the Rat & Parrot on the High...

Charity: supports move to lighter evenings

Lighter options for the pub trade

By The PMA Team

Moving to British Double Summer Time before next year's Olympics would be a great boost to the pub industry, says The PMA Team.

CAMRA: loosen Welsh tie

CAMRA campaign to loosen Welsh tie

By John Harrington

The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) is urging the Welsh Assembly Government to lobby Westminster to grant it powers to act on the beer tie.

Poker: popular in pubs

One in 50 played pub poker in 2010

By John Harrington

One in 50 people have played poker in a pub or club in the past year — with young men the most active players. That's according to a Gambling...

ID checks: new guidance

New guidance for pub ID checks

By John Harrington

The Home Office has released guidance to help pubs and doorstaff spot and deal with ID that's used fraudulently to buy alcohol. The 44-page...

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