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Graham Rowson Don't risk missing the smoking ban roadshows says the licensee of the Plungington Tavern in Preston, Lancashire I make no apologies for...



TV cheat caught with wrong card A London licensee has been ordered to do 100 hours of community service work and pay costs of £768.68 after he was...

Host goes self-sufficient

Host goes self-sufficient

By John Harrington john.harrington@william-reed.co.u

A North Yorkshire host is on a quest to supply all his pub's own energy needs. David Hawksworth is already saving about 25% on electricity bills -...



The Licensed Trade Charity would like to clarify that the report in the Morning Advertiser on 8 February regarding the LTC Trust being wound up after...



LTC is not going anywhere Further to the story reported on 8 February (MA, LTC Trust Wound Up After 26 Years), I want to reassure all readers and...

Opportunity knocks?

Opportunity knocks?

How many smokers do you have in your pub? You've probably got a rough idea. How many customers have walked past your pub because they have been put...



Strike a healthy price balance I am sending this letter to the Morning Advertiser as your editor, Andrew Pring, is probably best placed to make...

Utopian Leisure Logo

Rankin buys chunk of Utopian Leisure

By The PMA Team

Allan Rankin, the former chairman of Ultimate Leisure, has acquired a sizeable stake in Utopian Leisure, the Morning Advertiser has learnt.

A ray of sunshine

A ray of sunshine

Hazel Nicholson of Derby's Rising Sun has doubled trade since introducing food at the previously wet-only pub Nicholson took over the Marston's Pub...

Beyond the basics

Beyond the basics

Simple food offers can help maximise profits and guarantee repeat business. Andrew Burnyeat explores their potential This month, we're going to take...



Rent hikes thin end of wedge There has been a lot of talk about the proposed hike in annual licence fees, not least in the pages of MA (Fees hike...

Mariah Carey fan gets pub ban

Mariah Carey fan gets pub ban

A Mariah Carey fan has reportedly been barred from his local pub after continually playing her songs on the juke box. Jeff Donovan played Carey's...

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