
Taylor: steak nights provide a boost

Peach Pub Company: Taylor made

By Jo Bruce

The UKs largest village has got peachy. Jo Bruce looks at how steak nights, building links with the locals and movies are driving the business The...

BII training: for trade newcomers

Online course for trade newcomers

By Ewan Turney

New entrants to the pub trade will now have to undertake a two-hour course to ensure they understand the complexities of the leased model.

Robinson: keeping wines affordable

Wine offer: start with a blank slate

By MA Reporter

The Galphay Inn in North Yorkshire had been shut for two years, but new owner Sue Robinson is building a successful wine offer.

Robertson: expecting code deadlines to be met

BII boss tells MPs reform 'on track'

By John Harrington

The British Institute of Innkeeping has told the committee of MPs monitoring pubcos that the industry is "on track" to meet its commitments to reform.

Five Bells: building business

Five Bells: ringing the changes

By Robyn Black

Darran Lingley tells Robyn Black how he and his team have built business at the Five Bells in Colne Engaine, Colchester, Essex. How I got here This...

Wetherspoon: leading breakfast market

Boost sales: breaking into breakfast

By Fiona McLelland

The likes of Wetherspoon and Yates's may have cottoned on, but most pubs are studiously ignoring the breakfast market, reports Fiona McLelland.

Coffee: maximise hot drink sales

Coffee: make a profit from the daily grind

By Ian Boughton

Ian Boughton explains how serving coffee can boost takings during typically quiet periods and bring in a whole new clientele to your pub. It is no...

Charity: pubs need to step up on service

Service: the virtues of feedback

By The PMA Team

Providing an online forum for customers to rate their pub experiences will demonstrate how seriously the trade takes their opinions, says The PMA Team.

Hall & Woodhouse: 75% pubs food led

Cask ale task force

By Tony Halstead

Tony Halstead investigates how pubs in the south-west are benefitting from stay-at-home tourism by using a range of cask ales.

Internet: useful tool to boost business

Pub food: business boosters

By Jo Bruce

Ideas for driving food sales at your pub including a Spanish night, a music club and using web vouchers. Spanish night Where: the Mill Race,...

Alan Skinner and David Little

Re-inventing your offer to attract new trade

By Sheila McWattie

To suddenly lose a third of the potential clientele on your doorstep could spell disaster, but one Kent licensee grew the business in the face of adversity.

Noel Arms: emphasis on cask ales

Cotwolds comfort zone

By Tony Halstead

Licensee Justin Pinchbeck tells Tony Halstead about keeping ahead of cut-throat competition at the Noel Arms in the Cotswolds' Chipping Campden.

Dixon: BII should fill the vacuum

Dixon: set up BII arm for tenants

By Ewan Turney

The BII should set up a separate arm to act as a national representative body for tenants, one senior trade consultant has argued. Speaking at the...

Robertson: supporting British Pub Week

BII: British Pub Week

By Neil Robertson

BII chief executive Neil Robertson talks about how licensees can increase footfall and the overall benefits of this festival for pubs.

Fish and chips: a nation favourite

Fish and chips: a national treasure

By Robyn Lewis

With the 150th anniversary of fish and chips looming, Robyn Lewis takes a masterclass in how to create the perfect dish.

Hairdressing service: gets people in

Pub food: business boosters

By Jo Bruce

Ideas for driving food sales at your pub including a sausage festival, afternoon tea and a hairdressing service.

The Weir: reaching potential

Community pub: the Weir factor

By Noli Dinkovski

Licensee Jason Brown tells Noli Dinkovski how he turned around the fortunes of the Weir pub near Glasgow, and recreated its community atmosphere.

Charity: take time with your staff

Helping staff to reach their peak

By The PMA Team

Under-performance among staff in a company is often down to a lack of support and training, says The PMA Team.

Booster: make a film for your website

Pub food: business boosters

By Jo Bruce

Ideas for boosting food sales at your pub including making a film for your website, supporting local crafts and themed food and drink nights. Making...

Ice cream: big summer seller

10 ways to boost dessert sales

By Sheila McWattie

Sheila McWattie speaks to licensees around the country about tempting sweet-toothed customers with something a little bit different. Funky twist...

Doughnuts: profitable additon to menus

Pub food: business boosters

By Jo Bruce

Ideas for boosting food sales at your pub including adding doughnuts to dessert menus and and cooking hog roasts.

McCulloch: attracts customers with good value

Royal Oak: woodland ways

By Sheila McWattie

Pauline McCulloch, co-owner of the Royal Oak, Fritham, Hampshire, tells Sheila McWattie about building business in her New Forest pub. How we got...

Square & Compass: set in large grounds

Square & Compass: down the hatch

By Sonya Hook

There's no bar at Dorset's Square & Compass, but manager Kevin Hunt tells Sonya Hook that locals love queuing for drinks and sitting in a corridor.

Beck's Blue: alcohol free

The lowdown on low ABV lagers

By Nigel Huddleston

Improvements in technology and demand for low-alcohol drinks means some pubs are leaving more fridge space for low strength beers.

SIA licence: holders must undertake new training qualification

New doorstaff qualification in today

By Ewan Turney

All new doorstaff will receive extra training and practical assessments on how to safely restrain rowdy drinkers from today. The updated training...

BIIBAS: surge in pubco benchmarking bookings

BII: rise in pubco benchmarking bookings

By Lesley Foottit

The BII has reported an increase in enquiries and booking from tenanted pub operators who want their codes of practice accredited for clarity.

Gross and Smith: making a success of the Lamb

Lamb at Satwell: lone sheep makes good

By Lesley Foottit

Chris Smith, of the Lamb at Satwell, Oxfordshire, talks to Lesley Foottit about making money from a pub three miles from the nearest house.

Fish nights: builds repeat trade

Pub food: business boosters

By Jo Bruce

Ideas for driving sales at your pub including fish Fridays, a St George's Day menu and a tapas night.

Horseshoes: reopened in April

Village Green Inns: horse trading

By Noli Dinkovski

Freddie Collier, managing director of Village Green Inns, talks to Noli Dinkovski about his latest pub, the Horseshoes, in Dorrington, Shropshire,...

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