
Unite: strike action

CCE staff to strike over restructure

By Lesley Foottit

Unite members across seven Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) sites will protest today as the company's restructuring threatens 120 UK jobs.

Raven Inn: successful co-operative

Pub co-operatives: creating a dream team

By Phil Mellows

Pub co-operatives are one way of saving community locals under threat. Phil Mellows investigates the effectiveness of the business model. There can...

Snowdrop Inn: thriving

Snowdrop Inn: back from the brink

By Phil Mellows

Tony Leonard and Dominic McCarten talk to Phil Mellows about rescuing the Snowdrop Inn in Lewes, East Sussex, from dereliction.

Pizza Idol competition at the Ring O'Bells

Now for a pub-themed Dragons' Den moment

By Tony Halstead

Successful ideas for boosting business can often be surprisingly straightforward. Tony Halstead showcases seven of the best. Sometimes the best...

Film nights: boost business

Pub film nights

By Phil Mellows

Pubs are forever considering new ideas to boost business. Phil Mellows finds film nights are an effective way to get to increase trade.

Cox outside the Bull

Hitting the bull's-eye with Cheshire pub

By Tony Halstead

Jon Cox of the Bull, in Shocklach near Malpas, Cheshire, tells Tony Halstead how he has turned the once-closed pub into a vital part of village life.

Pub signs: must be up-to-date

Promising pub signs

By Ian Boughton

Pubs use posters and notices to promote their events but, as Ian Boughton discovers, signs must include a fresh, up-to-date message to be effective.

Whisky: shaking off its stuffy image

Pubs: a whisky business

By Sonya Hook

Making whisky appeal to young people is an challenge for producers. Sonya Hook looks at the work being done to shake off the drink's stuffy image.

Smoking area: attract smokers

Smoking at pubs: gimme shelter

By Rachel Barnes

Smokers visit pubs more often, stay longer and spend more per visit than non-smokers, so you need to look after them well, says Rachel Barnes.

BII: Nigel Wakefield has resigned his position

Wakefield resigns BII post after spat

By Ewan Turney

A high profile BII member has resigned his position claiming the organisation did little to clear his name of false accusations made against him a...

Battlesteads: won two MA awards

Battlesteads: from green to gold

By Sonya Hook

The Battlesteads in Hexham won two awards at the MA's Great British Pub Awards 2010. Licensee Richard Slade talks to Sonya Hook.

Cockermouth: flooded last year

Pub disasters: the will to survive

By Noli Dinkovski

With natural disasters dominating the news, Noli Dinkovski talks to licensees who have survived catastrophes. How do you recover from a fire or flood?

Finding the right energy supplier can make a big difference

Pub power brokers

By Tony Halstead

Obtaining the best gas and electricity deal for your pub can be a confusing and potentially costly task. Tony Halstead reports on the energy...

Unite: arguing for better treatment of managers

Unite: unions have a place in the pub trade

By Jennie Formby

Do the trade unions have a role to play in the pub industry? Unite's national officer for the food and drink sector Jennie Formby argues the case...

David: chef-restaurateur for 20 years

Crown at Woodbridge: crowning glory

By Sheila McWattie

Stephen David, chef-patron, at the Crown at Woodbridge, Suffolk, talks about supporting the locals, with Sheila McWattie.

Men: a good pint will do

Men in pubs: keep it simple

By Tony Halstead

A pint of ale, a packet of crisps and some peace and quiet are still what men desire most in a pub, says Tony Halstead.

Women are now more involved in pub activities but games remain the best way to lure in the guys

Pub activities: this one's for the lads

By Tony Halstead

When popping in for a pint with a bunch of mates, men are often after more. Many seek an activity to entertain them, says Tony Halstead.

Blokes: get them in your pub

Man power in the pub

By David Burrows

Marketing has seen a more feminine influence recently but now, real men are back. David Burrows bids farewell to the metrosexual.

Stella: the perfect pint

Stella Artois: be a master of your trade

By Ewan Turney

The new Stella Artois Draught Master training programme is about more than just teaching you how to pour a perfect pint, says Ewan Turney.

Scream pub: service with smiles

A fresher approach to the student crowd

By Nigel Huddleston

Having the cheapest drinks deals in town isn't responsible or profitable, so how can you appeal to the student crowd? Nigel Huddleston reports.

Coach & Horses: 'best' Scotch eggs in London

Oasis in the City: the Coach & Horses

By Robyn Black

Giles Webster of the Coach & Horses in Clerkenwell tells Robyn Black how enlisting a PR company and developing a wine offer is paying dividends.

Going for a gong: Todd is planning to promote award winning wines

Wine seller: Boathouse in Tewkesbury

By MA Reporter

It's four months since we first visited the Boathouse in Tewkesbury as part of our Wine Seller series. Now we're back to see what effect...

Students: get them talking to locals

Thirst among equals: students in pubs

By Noli Dinkovski

Students can be a lucrative bunch, but do they have to come at the cost of the rest of your customers? Noli Dinkovski thinks not.

Sofa: not a good use of space

Pub furniture: sitting pretty

By Ian Boughton

Sofas have become de rigueur in pubs, but fixed furniture is a far more efficient use of space. Either way, comfort is key, says Ian Boughton. There...

Saving money: can buying groups work?

Pound stretchers: pub buying groups

By Phil Mellows

Despite the recession officially being over, business is still tough, but canny licensees are joining buying groups to make their budgets go further....

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