
Pub health and safety employer responsibilities

How to... Manage health & safety

By Pat Perry

As an employer you are responsible for the health, safety and welfare of all your employees regardless of whether they are full or part-time, casual or permanent staff.

Thatchers ciders radiate vintage style

Cider Trends

By Jessica Mason

Cider brands are mirroring consumers’ enthusiasm for all things vintage by shouting about provenance and authenticity and creating their own unique style. Jessica Mason looks at the latest cider trends.

Pubs outdoor furniture gardens play areas

Top tips on outdoor furniture and equipment

By Sheila McWattie

Pubs must give their outdoor areas some attention if they are to pack in the punters over the coming months. Sheila McWattie looks at which companies are offering the very latest furniture and provides equipment tips for operators.

WKD leads alcopop consumption in pubs

RTDs - The Fight for Fridge Space

By Jessica Mason

You may remember them as alcopops. But, times have changed and alcoholic ready-to-drink beverages are innovating as they fight for space in your fridge.

Top energy saving tips for pubs

Top energy saving tips for pubs

Many pubs and hospitality business could cut their energy bills by as much as 20% just by implementing simple energy efficiency measures, according to the Carbon Trust. These measures include control of air conditioning, installing low-energy lighting...

BII annual lunch guests to get iPads

BII annual lunch guests to get iPads

By Michelle Perrett

Guests attending the BII Luncheon will be served up with iPads which will allow them access to a wide range of information during the annual event.

Punch Taverns chief Roger Whiteside on his achievements and the future

Roger Whiteside: foundations for the future

As I prepare to leave the stormy seas of the pub sector to return to the more familiar but no less perilous waters of high-street retailing, I have been asked to pen a few words reflecting on our achievements at Punch Taverns during my time, and the challenges...

PAYE reporting changes and pub payroll

PAYE reporting is changing - is your pub ready?

By Jane Brothwood

The way employers report Pay as You Earn (PAYE) details to HM Revenue & Customs is changing. If you haven’t already prepared for this overhaul you need to do so now. HM Revenue & Custom’s Jane Brothwood explains

The perils and perks of running a pub

The perils and perks of running a pub

By Gerry Price

Managing people — getting someone to do what you want done, willingly and well — is important, whether you have one employee or many and it is possibly one of the biggest challenges, especially in the hospitality industry.

PICA-Service: how does it work?

PICA-Service: how does it work?

By Michelle Perrett

When the Government agreed the self-regulation deal over the pubco-tenant relationship one of the major actions was the setting up of a Pubs Independent Conciliation & Arbitration Service or, as it is now called, PICA-Service.

Health & safety: new national code expected April next year

Health & safety: new national code expected April next year

The sphere of health and safety in this country is perceived by some to be unnecessarily complicated. There are myriad regulations and codes of practice, making it very difficult for small businesses, in particular, to have sufficient resources to get...

Apprentice schemes should be embraced by the pub industry

Apprentice schemes should be embraced by the pub industry

By Anthony Pender

On my evening commute home on the London Underground I have been reading with interest the campaign to get young adults back into work and for businesses to rise to the challenge of creating apprenticeship positions in their company and, in the words...

Pub legal tips: Late-night levy and EMROs

Get ahead of the game when it comes to EMROs and the late-night levy

By Poppleston Allen

It has been more than two years since the Government announced plans to ‘rebalance the Licensing Act’. I sometimes wonder whether the continual drip feed of consultation papers, draft regulations and partial enactments is deliberate Government policy...

CCTV: Make sure your pub is registered

CCTV: Make sure your pub is registered

By Poppleston Allen

I was interested to read the recent report of a Lancashire bar owner being prosecuted by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for failing to register his use of CCTV.

Focus on the product as well as the smile at your pub

Focus on the product as well as the smile at your pub

By Mahdis Neghabian

I recently returned from Gothenburg, Sweden’s second city, and my adopted home town. Customer service in Gothenburg (and most of Sweden) is absolutely spot-on. I would even say that, for me, it comes close to faultless.

Transforming your staff into service gurus

Transforming your staff into service gurus

By Steve Pike

Customers aren’t generally looking to find fault — they just want a pleasant, hassle-free experience, with courteous and effective service as a minimum, says Steve Pike, director of the Mystery Dining Company.


Brush up your upselling skills

By Robyn Black

A plea from me to WH Smith: please can you desist from your insane policy of trying to sell huge bars of chocolate to people, when it is quite obvious that they only want a newspaper and are in a rush for a train?


Pub rent reviews: In praise of PIRRS

By Barry Gillham

When the Pubs Independent Rent Review Scheme (PIRRS) was introduced in 2009, it was seen as the new BII-led low-cost ‘arbitration’ service. Barry Gillham, chairman at property agent Fleurets, explains why the scheme is the way forward.

The Big Interview: John Hayes, BEDA chairman

The Big Interview: John Hayes, BEDA chairman

By Gurjit Degun

Would you believe that a man of John Hayes’ age — that is “39 and 319 months” — and status has been refused entry into a nightclub? It’s a little bit ironic when he’s been a driving force in lobbying for nightclubs for many years, and knows the mechanics...

Training the team at your pub is money well spent

Training the team at your pub is money well spent

By Cheryl Hickman

As I have travelled the UK and beyond, all too often I will find a fantastic pub or restaurant where the food is excellent, but — and there is a big but — the team who are there to look after you are below standard and, in essence, let the side down.

The Big Interview: Jonathan Neame, BBPA Chairman

The Big Interview: Jonathan Neame, BBPA Chairman

Shepherd Neame boss Jonathan Neame tells Michelle Perrett what he, as the new chairman of the British Beer and Pub Association, sees as the organisation’s main aims, and how the industry should handle some of its major challenges.

The late-night levy: What could it mean for your pub?

The late-night levy: What could it mean for your pub?

By Adam Pescod

The Government recently published its draft regulations on the late-night levy. Set to come into force alongside early morning restriction orders (EMROs) in October, the levy will have implications for thousands of licensees, should their local authorities...

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