
Mike, CAMRA, action

Mike, CAMRA, action

Is it an insult to sit and have a lunchtime drink with the chief executive of CAMRA and have a Coke? Now, this isn't a philosophical point - more...

Guinness: working on new glass

Guinness's new glass plan

By Robyn Lewis

Diageo is working on developing a new glass for Guinness following changes in what consumers expect from glassware, said marketing manager Paul...

Protz: notion you can place a trademark on a beer style is nonsensical

Beware of the style-jackers

By Roger Protz

Businesses must be wary of the new tactic of slapping trademarks on beer styles, says Roger Protz.

Darling: trade urging sense on duty

Beer duty set to rise 9.4%

By John Harrington

Trade leader Tony Payne has warned the Chancellor beer duty would rise to a massive 9.4% from 1 January if it isn't cut when VAT returns to normal....

Guinness: celebrates 250 years in September

Guinness aims at 1m pints

By Robyn Lewis

Following the announcement that Guinness sales had outperformed the UK's declining beer market and gained share in the on-trade last year, brand...

Gringo: tequila and fruit beer

H2O launches fruit tequila beer

By Sonya Hook

A lager that taps into trends for both tequila-added and fruit-flavoured beers has hit the UK market. H20 Lager Co has launched its Gringo range of...

Tony Payne is to write to Alistair Darling asking for a fair deal

'Drop beer duty 8% when VAT level rises'

By John Harrington

Licensees are being urged to lobby their MP to make the Government see sense on alcohol tax. The Federation of Licensed Victuallers Associations is...

MacAskill: not a popular character at the moment

MacAskill angers pub trade over holiday

By Ewan Turney

Under fire Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has now angered the pub trade by taking holiday just days before the new regime is set to go live.

Tennent's: sold to C&C Group

AB InBev sells Tennent's to C&C

By Ewan Turney

Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABInbev) has sold Tennent's lager and its associated trading assets to C&C Group for £180m.

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