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Gaining access

Gaining access

The introduction of the doorstaff licence has so far resulted in problems and prosecutions. Tom Sandham probes Andy Drane of the SIA for answers.The...

Looking back

Looking back

Adam Withrington casts an eye back over the year's biggest brands stories.So how was 2004 for you? Unless your name is Kelly Holmes or you're a Greek...

Looking ahead

Looking ahead

The Department of Health is working with The Portman Group in a bid to tackle the UK's current binge-drinking issues. Daniel Pearce reports.Licensees...

A bridge too near

A bridge too near

What happens when alcohol is much cheaper down the road? The PMA Team went to Malmo in Sweden to find out and argues that there are lessons for the...



Brooker's clean-up crusade Hugh Brooker is a man on a mission. Not content with running one of the 10 best-performing sites in Laurel Pub Company's...

BBC's new goal

BBC's new goal

Sky's domination of sport in pubs faces some new competition - from the oldest kid on the block. Tom Sandham reports.Witnessing Garth Crooks barking...

It's the Grandaddy

It's the Grandaddy

by The PMA Team The Good Beer Guide can lay claim to the title of Guide Grandad. First published in 1972, a year after Camra (Campaign for Real Ale)...

Let's open books'

Let's open books'

Peter Linacre, managing director of Massive, argues that the pubco rent review process still brings an implicit penalty for success'. He maintains a...

Turning full circle

Turning full circle

Gerry Martin, brother of JD Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin, has gone back behind the bar as he down-sizes his company, Stone Hill Taverns. The PMA...

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