Independent Operators

Peter Austin dies

Peter Austin dies age 92

By Roger Protz

Peter Austin, the man who set up Ringwood Brewery, died aged 92 on 1 January 2014.

CAMRA pubs and economy

CAMRA launches new Pubs and the Economy campaign

By Ellie Bothwell

The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) has today launched its ‘Pubs and the Economy’ campaign, aiming to promote the benefits of pubs to British economy and encourage more people to use their local during January, which is often a quiet period for the industry.

Palmers Brewery profits fall

Poor weather hits Palmers' profits

By John Harrington

Palmers, the Dorset-based brewer and pub operator, has reported a drop in profits and turnover in the year to 31 March 2013 as it suffered from poor weather and the Olympic “stay away factor”.

Hook Norton brewery financial results

Hook Norton returns to profit

By John Harrington

Hook Norton, the Oxfordshire-based brewer and pub operator, returned to profit in the year to 30 September and said it would dispose of more pubs and “potentially” make acquisitions.

Awards ALMR licensing Wetherspoon Greene King

Top operations managers announced at ALMR awards ceremony

By Lewis Brown

Will Fotheringham of JD Wetherspoon and Barrie Robinson of Greene King Pub Partners have been named Area Manager and Business Development Manager of the Year respectively in the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR) Operations Managers Awards,...

Future High Streets Forum membership

Future High Streets Forum extended to pub sector

By Michelle Perrett

The national Future High Streets Forum is to be extended to include the pub sector with the appointment of Spirit chief executive Mike Tye and British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) chief executive Brigid Simmonds.

PICA-Service statutory code

Eighth case heard by PICA-Service

By Michelle Perrett

The eighth PICA-Service hearing took place at the Sheffield Cathedral Conference Centre on Friday, 22 November, 2013.

Flood pubs

Floods could result in pub business failures

By Ellie Bothwell

Pubs damaged by last week’s tidal surge are likely to face business failure due to the impact on Christmas trade, and insurance brokers may soon stop providing flood cover.

CAMRA pub design

CAMRA reveals Pub Design Award winners

By Ellie Bothwell

Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) has unveiled the winners of the Pub Design Awards 2013, with pubs as diverse as a bar made from shipping containers and a railway platform conversion achieving accolades.

Chester Pubwatch minimum alcohol price

Chester Pubwatch introduces minimum alcohol pricing

By Ellie Bothwell

Chester Pubwatch has introduced a minimum alcohol price condition for all its members, ruling that any licensed premises that charges less than £1.50 for an alcoholic drink will lose its accreditation.

Fuller's results

Fuller's reports healthy earnings rise

By John Harrington

Fuller’s, the London-based brewer and pub operator, has reported a 4% rise in EBITDA to £28.1m in the six months to 28 September as like-for-likes in its managed estate grew 7.9%.

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