
How are you? Your wellbeing matters: The LTC has offered advice on a healthy lifestyle and publicans have been advised to digitally disconnect by Speakap

How can publicans look after their wellbeing?

By Emily Hawkins

Industry experts have advised operators who are still feeling the impact of a busy festive trading period or are worried about the upcoming month on how they can best look after their wellbeing.

Not just a fad: Sustainable Restaurant Association's Andrew Stephen says pubs should incorporate long-term sustainable habits into their business

Sustainability, a fad?

By Nicholas Robinson

It is the ‘in word’ right now, but sustainability shouldn’t be treated as a passing fad. More consumers are seeking venues that will give them the feel-good factor, while businesses have to be more aware of their environmental impact in a bid to better...

Friendly face: making sure the working culture is good will lead to happy customers

In association with Barclaycard

Create company culture like Hippo Inns

By Stuart Stone

It may be a struggle to attract staff but if you get the right people, train and treat them well, you will get rewards

Eight [years] has been great: Nikkie Sutton, senior food and drink reporter at The Morning Advertiser


Why I still work in a pub

By Nikkie Sutton

For me, my local pub means so many things. It’s the place where I met my soon-to-be husband; made relationships with some of my best friends; somewhere I can walk into at any time of the day (or night); and it’s also where I feel safe and part of a community.

Purple pound: what long-term changes can your business make to improve disabled customers' experiences?

What is Purple Tuesday?

By Emily Hawkins

Purple Tuesday – the UK’s first day focused on making shopping and dining out accessible for disabled customers – took place today (Tuesday 13 November).

Be realistic: Brewhouse & Kitchen's Kris Gumbrell says university students are saddled with high debts and little genuine job prospects

B&K work offer to politicians over 'unskilled' jibe

By Stuart Stone

Brewhouse & Kitchen (B&K) chief executive Kris Gumbrell discussed hospitality's status as 'the accidental career' after former Apprentice contestant Frances Bishop told the BBC that working behind a bar taught her more than university.

Training review: many apprentices are not receiving high-quality training, according to a cross-party report

What makes a good hospitality apprenticeship?

By Emily Hawkins

Many apprentices are not receiving high-quality training, according to a new report. The hospitality sector has welcomed calls for greater regulation of training providers.

Mental health: the Licensed Trade Charity has introduced a free scheme to help publicans to support workers

Free mental health training for publicans

By Emily Hawkins

The Licensed Trade Charity (LTC) has introduced a free training scheme to equip publicans with the ability to identify and help workers with mental health issues.

Preventive measures: Wasp numbers have been on the rise this summer, but you can protect your pub with a few steps

7 things pubs can do to deter wasps

By Emily Hawkins

Wasps can create incessant buzzing, make children nervous and pose a risk to people with allergies - all things that can potentially ruin a dining experience.

Career progression: we ask business development managers Adam Sykes from Fullers (top) Anna Clissold from Admiral (middle) and Craig Nevins from Star Pubs & Bars (bottom) about their career development and training

Street smarts: BDM career progression

By Claire Churchard and Greg Pitcher

Business development managers (BDMs) play a vital role in supporting and developing pubs in a group, but the career path to success isn’t always obvious. Three top BDMs reveal how they got to where they are now

Control and stability: a wide-ranging list of factors have been blamed for the sector's low staff retention

Why is hospitality staff retention so low?

By Emily Hawkins

Unsociable working hours and low pay are among the top reasons the bar and restaurant industry struggles to retain workers, according to new research.

Compliance and training: Every company faces legal obligations but if you ignore them, you could end up paying more than just a small fine

Comply or die: Compliance and training

By Michelle Perrett

Failure to comply with legal obligations could stop your pub from trading altogether. Here is how training can help mitigate the risks

Innovation in recruitment: Change up your hiring process to get the best results

Perfect fit: Innovation in recruitment

By Jo Faragher

It’s tough out there for those recruiting. Leading employers explain how they have brought a smarter approach to their hiring processes to find the ideal employee.

Offsetting price rises: BT Sport is offering publicans a broader package, including tailored digital training

BT Sport announces 4.9% price increase

By Ed Bedington

BT Sport has announced a 4.9% price rise, but are balancing that with an increased package which promises more sport, loyalty capping and an innovative tie-up with Google to offer licensees expert digital help.

Industry issue: pub chefs were one example the BBPA gave when it mentioned workers needed as much experience as they do qualifications

Changes needed to improve pub careers says BBPA

By Fred A'Court

A range of initiatives that the industry and Government can undertake to secure jobs and careers in the hospitality sector has been suggested by the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA).

Getting the basics right: guidance from the BBPA, UKHospitality and Acas will help hospitality businesses

BBPA and UKHospitality publish employment guidance

By Stuart Stone

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) and UKHospitality have published guidance to assist employers in the hospitality sector in collaboration with advisory, conciliation and arbitration service Acas.

Turn up the heat: getting the chefs your pub needs can be a tall order

MA's chef guide

Chef crisis: time to grow your own kitchen talent?

By Claire Churchard

Chefs are hot property. With numerous pan wranglers and kitchen kingpins on television or touring the country like rock stars it’s no surprise that people coming into the profession are ambitious.

More jobs available: vacancies in the hospitality sector are on the up

Hospitality job vacancies rise

By Michelle Perrett

Job vacancies rose by 7.7% in the hospitality sector in March, the latest statistics from job website CV-Library has revealed.

Combined effort: businesses and the public are keen to address the problem of plastic waste

Packaging waste targeted by sector leaders

By Michelle Perrett

The British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) and UKHospitality are to spearhead the pub industry’s efforts to tackle packaging waste at a new event.

Great addition: According to CGA Group chief executive Phil Tate, their latest acquisition

CGA Group acquires CPL Online

By Stuart Stone

CGA Group completed the acquisition of CPL Online, the specialist provider of e-learning, business solutions and interactive services, from CPL Training on 27 March.

Learning first: STAR is claimed to be the first training programme built to match the apprenticeship levy

HIT Training and CPL collaborate to launch STAR

By Stuart Stone

HIT Training and CPL Training have joined forces to launch a new virtual learning environment designed to provide hospitality apprentices with access to high-quality learning facilities.

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