
Coulson: it would be costly to have two measures on Optic

Getting the measure of it

By Peter Coulson

Putting together a code of practice, is clearly not as easy as it looks, especially if you are a civil servant with only a vague grasp of the licensing laws, says Peter Coulson.

Coulson: planning appeals can work

Planning appeals do work

By Peter Coulson

Making an appeal is free, but it should only be used as a last resort — and if you have a genuine and arguable case, says Peter Coulson.

Moore: pre-pack defence

Pre-packs: what's the deal?

By David Moore, Begbies Traynor

Pre-pack administrations have become increasingly controversial. David Moore, a partner with business rescue, recovery and restructuring specialist Begbies Traynor, defends the pre-pack.

Coulson: be cautious

Have I got news for you?

By Peter Coulson

If ever there was a time to take precautions, it is now, when the Government is about to tighten up the law specifically directed at the holders of premises licences, says Peter Coulson.

BII: new initiative

BII launches new business support helpline

By Ewan Turney

The BII has launched a new business support helpline for its licensee members. The new service will is designed to complement the BII's existing...

Well's & Young's: possible job losses

38 jobs could go at Wells & Young's

By John Harrington

Up to 38 jobs could go at Bedford brewer Wells & Youngs under plans to outsource more of its distribution network. Work done by the Bedford-based...

Coulson: a licensee is not compelled to do business with anyone he doesn't wish to

To ban or not to ban

By Peter Coulson

MA legal editor Peter Coulson considers the case of a Pubwatch ban being taken to the High Court again.

Coulson: it seems every move an operator makes is under scrutiny

Minor should mean minor

By Peter Coulson

The proposal to make it easier to get a condition knocked off a licence arouses suspicion, says Peter Coulson.

A minimum wage rise could cost jobs

'Rise in minimum wage would cost jobs'

By Ewan Turney

A rise in minimum wage to £6.10 would cost thousands of jobs, the British Chambers of Commerce has warned. The Trade Unions Congress (TUC) recently...

Coulson: pub closures a problem

Changing rooms

By Peter Coulson

Councils are reluctant to accept change of use if it is the last pub in the village, says Peter Coulson.

Coulson: lack of willingness to challenge behaviour in higher authority

Not an appealing prospect

By Peter Coulson

One of the major differences between the workings of the old 1964 Licensing Act and the current 2003 version is the lack of clarity about what the law actually means, says Peter Coulson.

Neil Robertson outside the Red Lion in Mayfair where he met Morning Advertiser editor Andrew Pring

'Sunset industry' danger warns new BII boss

By Andrew Pring

The pub trade is in danger of becoming a "sunset industry" in the eyes of Government and officials, warns the new chief executive of the BII. Neil...

BII: training awards

BII NITA winners announced

By Ewan Turney

The BII has announced the winners of the 2008 National Industry Training Awards (NITAs). The winners were announced via a live broadcast on its site....

Coulson: not a fan of cumulative impact

Cumulative impact puzzle

By Peter Coulson

MA legal editor Peter Coulson considers the impact of cumulative impact zones.

Coulson: pub paperwork should be cut

Pen-pushing pain for pubs

By Peter Coulson

At a time when the police themselves have been bitterly complaining about the amount of paperwork they are required to complete why is it that they are pushing more forms in front of the licensed trade?

Pring: attitudes must change in 2009

Let's work together in 2009

By Andrew Pring

It was the worst year for the trade in living memory, but with necessity as the mother of invention, there have been some real positives, says Andrew Pring.

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