
Carlsberg: training day success

Carlsberg business boosting days a sell-out

By Graham Ridout

Carlsberg has launched its programme to train licensees on how to improve their businesses and attract new customers for 2011. The programme, We...

IFBB: in defence of the tie

Family Brewers defend the beer tie

By John Harrington

Family brewers have defended the beer tie in a pamphlet that has been sent to every MP — it said the tie works for their tenants.

MP will table bill tomorrow

MP to table pubco beer tie bill

By John Harrington

An MP has introduced a Bill into Parliament to force pubcos to give tenants a free-of-tie option combined with an open-market rent review. Tied...

Milo (R) receives SIBA award

SIBA announces top beers

By Lesley Foottit

A mild from Gloucestershire based Cotswold Spring Brewery took the top title of Supreme Champion Beer 2011 at the SIBA awards on Friday.

SIBA: food for thought at annual conference

Molson Coors: brewers must unite

By Graham Ridout

Brewer Molson Coors has called for all brewers — large and small — to work together to help boost beer sales. Speaking at the Society of...

Molson Coors: resisted supermarket pressure

Molson Coors says no to supermarket pricing

By Graham Ridout

Brewer Molson Coors has refused to bow to supermarket pressure and sell its brands at prices dictated by the giant retailers. Scott Wilson, the...

Bud: sales surge in the UK

Budweiser volumes surge 36.1% in UK

By John Harrington

Budweiser volumes rose 36.1% in the UK during 2010 as A-B InBev reported a 3.4% increase in UK beer volumes overall during the year. Announcing its...

Roberts (L): moving on from Fuller's

Fuller's beer boss to step down

By The PMA Team

Fuller's has announced that John Roberts, managing director of its beer division, will leave the company next week to pursue new opportunities.

Protz: pubs are improving in general

Gastropubs hog the limelight

By Roger Protz

The constant focus on gastropub food overshadows the vast improvements in pub grub in general, says Roger Protz.

Balance the flavours of beer and food together

Food and beer: the big match in pubs

By Michelle Perrett

Michelle Perrett looks at ways to maximise cask-ale sales around food, using innovative menu combinations and special events. Having a beer with...

Robert Humphreys: defends Beer Group

Parliamentary Beer Group 'not buying MPs'

By John Harrington

The All-Party Beer Group already satisfies upcoming rules on transparency for Parliamentary groups, according to secretary Robert Humphreys.

Thwaites: new Inns of Character brand

Thwaites launches new hotel brand

By Mark Wingett, M&C Report

Daniel Thwaites plans to open an estate of up to 20 new coaching inns and character hotels under a new brand within the next five years.

Protz: unsure over Molson Coors' move

Let's hope Sharp's is not doomed

By Roger Protz

Molson Coors' takeover of Sharp's could signal the decline of the brewer's ales, says Roger Protz. The £20m takeover of the Cornish brewer Sharp's...

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