Community Pubs

What are Jeremy Corbyn's views on pubs?

What are Jeremy Corbyn's views on pubs?

By James Evison

Jeremy Corbyn, the new leader of the Opposition, is a teetotaller, and despite delivering his victory speech in a Westminster pub, he hasn’t spoken often on them in parliament. But that hasn’t stopped him supporting a wide range of pub-related motions...

CAMRA celebrates pub campaign wins


CAMRA celebrates pub campaign wins

By Ellie Bothwell

Members of the Campaign for Real Ale are being urged to visit their local asset of community value-listed pubs to celebrate Community Pubs Day – a new national event to highlight the 600 pubs that have so far been listed.

CAMRA community pubs month

Community Pubs Month 2015: Shout about the value of your pub

By Mike Berry

The Publican’s Morning Advertiser (PMA) has joined forces with the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) ahead of April’s Community Pubs Month to encourage licensees to remind customers just what makes having a local pub so valuable.

MPs back Community Pubs Month motion

MPs back Community Pubs Month motion

By Adam Pescod

An early day motion (EDM) supporting the Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA’s) Community Pubs Month has been backed by 38 MPs since it was tabled by pub campaigner Greg Mulholland MP last week.

CAMRA: 'Government failing community pubs'

CAMRA: 'Government failing community pubs'

By Adam Pescod

The Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) has called for urgent Government action to save Britain’s historic pub culture in light of new research showing how 16 pubs on average now close across the country on a weekly basis.

Bob Neill: 'Avoid cost when lobbying'

Bob Neill: 'Avoid cost when lobbying'

By Gurjit Degun

Community pubs minister Bob Neill has urged the industry to focus lobbying on changes that will not cost the Government money to push through — such as a further reduction in red tape.

Charles Wells: rewarding good performance

Charles Wells unveils tenant incentives

By Gurjit Degun

Charles Wells is encouraging 50 of its community pubs to drive trade during March and April by offering them a chance to "win a Wells for a day"....

Mulholland (left): Values community pubs

Exempt community pubs from new levy

By John Harrington

Pro-pub MP Greg Mulholland has urged the Government to ensure community pubs aren't hit by the proposed late-night levy. The planned levy is...

Spelman: Labour has let pubs down

Tories: Labour has gutted community pubs

By John Harrington

The Conservatives have accused Labour of letting community pubs "go to the wall" in response to pubs minister's new plans for the sector.

Bish: licensing regime is too lax on off-trade

Trade fears Tory plans will hit pubs

By John Harrington

Trade chiefs fear the Conservative Party's hard-line plans for alcohol and licensing will mean more pub closures and penalise responsible operators....

Sutcliffe: sure that the community pub has a positive future

Government rejects minimum pricing call

By Ewan Turney

The Government has rejected calls for a minimum price on alcohol and a different duty rate on draught beer to reverse the trend of drinking at home....