Alcohol Intoxication

Elaine Hindal, Drinkaware: sexual harassment is a 'societal problem'


Sexual harassment is a 'societal problem' says Drinkaware chief

By Nikkie Sutton

Elaine Hindal, chief executive of charity Drinkaware, has said that sexual harassment at licensed venues, especially in the night-time economy is a “societal problem” and has given advice to licensees on how they can help customers who are a bit worse...

How to deal with drunken punters

Legal Advice

How to deal with drunken punters

By Poppleston Allen

A previous article discussed the issue of drunkenness, following a couple of high-profile cases which brought this issue to the forefront.

Alcohol Research sales to drunks report

Report urges action from trade on 'sales to drunks'

By Mike Berry

A new report calls for a review of the legislation on ‘sales to drunks’ — which it claims is one of the most under-enforced laws on the statute books. But is it needed? Mike Berry looks closer.

Top tips for pubs on dealing with drunks

Top tips on dealing with drunk customers

By Poppleston Allen

Dealing with drunks is a daily hazard for operators of licensed premises. Aside from issues of health and safety, loss of reputation and potential prosecution, your licence is at risk if you sell to drunks. Poppleston Allen provide 10 tips for dealing...

Britain has shown onlookers that it can enjoy alcohol responsibly

Britain has shown onlookers that it can enjoy alcohol responsibly

By Stephen Oliver

In a year filled with national celebrations, Britain has shown onlookers that not only can we put on a show worthy of a gold medal, we can also enjoy alcohol responsibly. In contrast to the inclement weather, reports of drunken behaviour did not rain...

Luminar: under fire for flyer

Luminar slammed over 60p promo

By Lesley Foottit

Luminar Leisure has come under fire for an irresponsible promotion that claims to "specialise" in getting its customers drunk. A flyer for Liquid...

ID: proxy purchase tests in 2011

Stings plan to curb 'proxy' alcohol sales

By Ewan Turney

Local authorities are set to unveil new undercover stings to clamp down on so-called "proxy" purchases of alcohol. Independent test-purchasing...

Under-18s: rise in alcohol-related hospital admissions

Underage drinking costs NHS £19m a year

By Ewan Turney

Underage drinking, fuelled by the "ludicrously cheap price of alcohol" in supermarkets, is costing the National Health Service £19m a year. The...

Police: asking questions of drunks

Police use drunks' evidence in reviews

By John Harrington

Police are using evidence from drunken yobs about where they've been drinking to take action against pubs. Answers are then used as evidence if a pub's licence comes up for review.

Police: used drunk actors in Bexley sting

Police use 'drunk' actors in pub sting

By John Harrington

Actors pretending to be inebriated, with their clothes soaked in alcohol, have been used in mock stings targeting sales to drunks. They were served...

Pubs face more sting ops

Pubs face more sting ops

By John Harrington

Around 100 pubs, clubs and shops face legal action for serving drunks and for other offences in the Christmas sting campaign. Further Government...

Undercover cops in pubs

Undercover cops in pubs

By Tony Halstead

Police are to plant under- cover officers in pubs to catch bar staff who serve drunken customers. Licensees in Blackpool have been warned that staff...