
Pub beer and music festival tips

10 tips for staging a festival at your pub

By Poppleston Allen

As the summer season approaches, your mind may be turning to organising a festival at your pub. Admittedly it may not be quite on the scale of Glastonbury, but nonetheless it could be an important way for you to market your business, make use of an under-used...

Bernard Brindley BII chairman dies

BII chairman Bernard Brindley dies

By John Harrington

Bernard Brindley, the pub industry stalwart and chairman of the BII (British Institute of Innkeeping), has died, aged 63.

People may be going out less frequently, but are treating themselves to top-quality drinks when they do

Luxury Spirits Report

By Jessica Mason

It is often said that truly rich people are those whose lives are filled with amazing experiences, not those whose possessions have great monetary value. Those lucky enough to be able to sample such a life of delight visit places that enhance their lives,...

Our anoymous licensee refused to settle the 'bullying' claim out of court

Handling accusations of ‘bullying’ from new staff

Having employed pub staff for a number of years I thought that we had a good handle on individuals sat in front of us being interviewed and working trial shifts, but it’s so easy to make the wrong character call.

Top tips on handling noise enforcement notices

Top tips on handling noise enforcement notices

By Poppleston Allen

If you run a pub that provides entertainment and there is noise escaping from your premises you may face enforcement from the local authority’s environmental health noise officer, perhaps in addition to any licensing enforcement by way of review. Licensing...

Successful cider brands share many attributes

6 things successful cider brands have in common

By Jessica Mason

With consumers demanding an ever more adventurous choice of ciders, Jessica Mason identifies six trends that successful brands are adopting to survive and thrive

Top tips for pubs on dealing with drunks

Top tips on dealing with drunk customers

By Poppleston Allen

Dealing with drunks is a daily hazard for operators of licensed premises. Aside from issues of health and safety, loss of reputation and potential prosecution, your licence is at risk if you sell to drunks. Poppleston Allen provide 10 tips for dealing...

Minimum wage to rise 3% to £6.50

Minimum wage to rise 3% to £6.50

By John Harrington

The Government has confirmed that the adult minimum wage is to rise by 3% to £6.50 from October, a rise of 19p.

The benefits of apprenticeships to pubs

The benefits of apprenticeships to pubs

By Helen Gilbert

Apprenticeships are fast gaining popularity in the pub trade and there are myriad benefits for licensees taking on apprentices. Helen Gilbert reports

Advice on how frequently to pay staff

Top tips for pubs on paying your employees

By David Williams

'How often should I pay my employees?' is a question is that most employers ask at some point. The answer lies in the particular circumstances of the business, as pubs have very distinct requirements. David Williams examines the issue.

10 key issues for pubs in 2014

10 key issues for pubs in 2014

By Phil Mellows

Phil Mellows picks out 10 key issues that could help determine the fortunes of Britain’s pubs this year, including the proposed statutory code, turmoil at Punch Taverns and the impact of the recent storms on trade.

TENs guidance for pubs

5 common issues affecting TENs

By Poppleston Allen

Temporary event notices (TENs) are useful tools that allow you to extend hours and have additional activities, which may not be permitted by your premises licence. It is going to be a busy year, particularly in terms of sporting events, so knowing how...

ABV Training e-learning licensed trade courses

Abv Training rolls out sector e-learning courses

By John Harrington

Abv Training, one of the UK’s leading training companies, has rolled out a range of 28 e-learning courses designed for professionals in the licensed and hospitality trades who do not have the time to attend tutor-led programmes.

Sky Sports Scotland copyright cases

Glasgow bar guilty of Sky Sports copyright breach

By Noli Dinkovski

Sky has won a second breach of copyright case in Scotland after a Glasgow bar was found guilty of screening live football matches on two occasions without the correct viewing agreement.

BT Sport Carlsberg UK

BT and Carlsberg UK agree sports discount deal

By Fiona Griffiths

Freetrade outlets that stock Carlsberg UK products and those that sign up to BT Sport will be entitled to a 50% discount on a BT Sport subscription under a new deal agreed between the companies.

CGA Peach business

Business confidence is returning, say senior executives

By Mark Wingett

Returning businesses confidence and a loosening of the purse strings on investment make for good prospects for 2014 for casual dining and pub firms—but caution remains about the impact of soaring property and energy prices and the costs of labour and...

Brewdog wants to create an environment that showcases a selection of the best beers on the planet

Brewdog: Off the leash

By John Harrington

BrewDog has grown to be the leading light of the UK’s healthy craft-beer scene and, with new funding and a new brewery, the company is setting its sights even higher. John Harrington spoke to co-founder James Watt

Top tips on pub glassware safety

Top tips on pub glassware safety

By Poppleston Allen

Reports of glassing incidents inevitably lead the police, council authorities, judges and politicians calling for a nationwide ban on the use of glassware in licensed premises and promote the use of polycarbonate bottles and drinking vessels. These tips...

Mother's Day is a business boosting opportunity

GP Generator: Mother's Day

By Phil Mellows

Mothering Sunday can be a real money-spinner for pubs if licensees get their offer right. The Publican's Morning Advertiser finds out what outlets are doing to celebrate the big day on 30 March

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