
Boosting sales: How can you use EPoS to your advantage?

The grateful eight of EPoS

By Nicholas Robinson

It’s not the most glamorous of things you can buy for your business, but good EPoS can make running a pub a lot easier and help to maximise sales in the process.

A wind up: pub operators have reacted angrily to news of a new music tariff from the PPL

Operators livid over £49m music fee hike

By Stuart Stone

The announcement that, as of 1 July, a Specially Featured Entertainment (SFE) licence will be, on average, 130% more expensive has been branded ‘stupid’ and ‘ridiculous’ by incensed publicans.

Reel to reel: Tips on keeping gaming machines in pubs

Licensing Hub – Legal with Poppleston Allen

'What happens if an under-18 uses my gambling machine?'

By Poppleston Allen

Many pub and club operators holding premises licences under the Licensing Act 2003 operate gaming machines within their premises, often under a notification for two machines or a Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit (LPGMP).

Drawing a crowd: a quarter of people watching sport out of home are watching more women's sport than ever before according to Ipsos MORI

The lure of women’s sport in pubs

By Stuart Stone

A global study of sports fans found that 84% of both male and female respondents are interested in women’s sport, but how big an opportunity does it offer pubs?

On top of the world: winners of the 2019 Publican Awards


In pictures: The Publican Awards 2019 winners

By Nicholas Robinson

All glammed up, the winners of The Publican Awards 2019 received their awards from funny man Alan Carr at Battersea Evolution this week and here they all are.

Neat tweets: who said what and when?

Publican Awards

Did your #PublicanAwards tweet cut the mustard?

By Nicholas Robinson

The great and good of the pub and bar trade swarmed on Battersea Evolution this week to celebrate success within the industry, and here's what they had to say.

Success stories: five pub apprentices explain how they have got stuck into their careers

What is it like being a pub apprentice?

By Emily Hawkins

During National Apprenticeship Week last week (4-9 March), The Morning Advertiser spoke to apprentices in the pub business about their experiences of the industry and their highlights so far.

Equal terms; Senior reporter Nikkie Sutton shares her thoughts on International Women's Day

International Women's Day

Opinion: we must ensure parity is for all

By Nikkie Sutton

This issue of The Morning Advertiser is one that is particularly close to my heart and includes a topic that is particularly prevalent at the moment – empowering women.

International Women's Day: HR and Training

International Women's Day

Leaders in pubco HR and training

By Nicholas Robinson

Without an efficient and compliant HR and training department, pubcos would crumble. Here we speak to five women who head the HR and training functions of top on-trade businesses.

International Women's Day: PR & Marketing

International Women's Day

The women at the top of on-trade PR and marketing

By Stuart Stone

Those in PR and marketing know everything about the businesses they support. The people who head a company's PR departments or own their own businesses are in enviable positions. Here six women at the top of the on-trade PR game tell their stories.

Minimal growth: overall consumer spending across the on- and off-trade grew by just 1.2%

Spending in pubs slows to 7.4%

By Nikkie Sutton

Pubs reported “unusually low growth” in consumer spending of 7.4% in February, new data has revealed.

Dipping: cash use is approaching a crisis point

Future of cash payments ‘at risk’ report claims

By Nicholas Robinson

The days of cold, hard cash may be short in numbers as a report into the state of its future claimed the systems needed to sustain the payment method are at risk of “falling apart”.

Gin: Co-founder of the Stillery, Bury St Edmunds, Tim Blake, explains what makes the Best Spirits Bar what it is

My Pub: the Stillery, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

By Emily Hawkins

For a speakeasy style site unassumingly tucked away, the Stillery has made a big name for itself. Co-founder Tim Blake explains how a spirit of curiosity motivates the team at the Bury St Edmunds-based establishment.

Provocative campaign: licensed venues can help to raise awareness of domestic abuse

How can bars raise awareness of domestic abuse?

By Emily Hawkins

Licensed venues should get involved in raising awareness of domestic abuse, according to the organisers of a initiative that saw bar staff wear black eye make-up.

Big hit: can mixed martial arts make 2019 the year it makes a breakthrough with viewers in pubs

MMA’s bid to be smash hit

By Stuart Stone

BT Sport and Sky Sports’ respective deals with the Ultimate Fighting Championship and Bellator mean that pubs will have unprecedented access to live mixed martial arts events (MMA) in 2019. But will one of the world’s fastest growing sports enjoy breakout...

Revenue driver: Phil Cutter, licensee of the Murderers, has used Formula One to boost his pub's bottom line

In association with Sky Sports

How can Formula One drive footfall?

By MA Editorial

Hear how Phil Cutter, licensee of the Murderers pub in Norwich and sport category finalist at the 2018 Great British Pub Awards has used Formula One to boost business.

Tech please: operators are being encouraged to take advantage of pay-at-table apps that let customers order without having to visit the bar (image: Tabology)

Why pubs should be embracing technology

By Robert Mann

As consumers in the UK become more reliant on their smartphones, The Morning Advertiser reveals why pub operators should be going further to embrace technology.

Mental wellbeing: The Benevolent CEO Chris Porter addresses mental health issues in the industry

Less than half of drinks staff ‘on top of mental health’

By Stuart Stone

According to statistics revealed by Chris Porter, chief executive of drinks industry charity The Benevolent at Craft Beer Rising 2019, only 46% of staff describe themselves as being ‘on top of their mental health’.

Company boss: New World Trading Company CEO Chris Hill

NWTC named fifth best company to work for

By Nikkie Sutton

The New Word Trading Company (NWTC) is fifth on the 2019 The Sunday Times Best 100 Companies to Work For, improving on two places from last year.

New partnership: Ei will help charity The Clink to train prisoners to become chefs

Ei partners with prison restaurant charity

By Emily Hawkins

Ei Group is to help offenders qualify for work as chefs in the pub business after their release, in a partnership with a charity focused on reducing re-offending rates.

Bend the rules: How has pub marketing and advertising changed?

How has pub marketing changed?

By Emma Eversham

There are so many rules around advertising now, be them from the Advertising Standards Authority or the Portman Group. Here we highlight some of the defining moments in marketing and advertising and look at how regulation and legislation has changed the...

All grown up: the team at the Botanist in Coventry, 'have high standards, work hard, innovate relentlessly and smile a lot'

My Pub: The Botanist, Coventry

By Robert Mann

At a time when the happiness and wellbeing of communities is threatened by pub closures, the latest branch of the Botanist demonstrates what a modern operator has to deal with these days. Sales manager Laura Gardner explains.

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