
Prices have dropped

The return of the all-you-can-drink offer

By Martyn Leek, M&C Report

The late-night bar operator 3D Entertainment has launched a number of inclusive drink deals under various promotions, such as the "We Love All Inclusive" night.

Sandra and Gary Higginbotham fell on hard times

Pub tenants foxed by debt

By Roger Protz

Effects of the bad weather, smoking ban, rising beer duty and rent are overwhelming rerasons why Gary and Sandra Higginbotham left Punch pub Old Fox in Hertfordshire.

Sky says price freeze will help licensees

ALMR: Members are ditching Sky

By Ewan Turney

Around 20% of multiple operators have ditched Sky since 2003 as the average subscription price reaches £15,000 a year, according to the Association...

Sky: Secured cricket deal

Sky Sports extends cricket coverage

By Ewan Turney

Sky Sports has extended its rights to screen domestic and international cricket to include the period 2010 to 2013 in England and Wales.

Tchenguiz: Not put off by Laurel situation

City Diary - 14 August

By The PMA Team

The PMA Team rounds up all the latest gossip and hot news from the City.

Tesco has been commended for Think 21

BII hails Tesco underage sales training

By Ewan Turney

Supermarket giant Tesco has become first off-trade retailer to be recognised under the BII's Good Practice Recognition Scheme - it is rewarded for its Think 21 induction training programme.

HSBC has tightened loans to leisure sector

Major banks deny loans clampdown

By Tony Halstead

Major banks have denied they are tightening the screw on loans and overdrafts as the economic slowdown continues to hit the leisure sector.

Know the drill

Know the drill

FIRE! The very word strikes fear throughout the hospitality industry. Yet sensible precautions can minimise the threat to life and property.Regular...

Consumers are happy to pay more for quality

Consumers will pay more for good pub-grub

By Ewan Turney

Consumers are willing to pay an average of 36% more for a gastro-pub meal if the service, food and atmosphere are of a high standard, according to a new survey.

Phil Dixon to offer rent review advice

BII rent review roadshows

By John Harrington

The BII is to run a series of roadshows, featuring a number of trade experts, on how best to prepare for rent reviews in association with the Morning Advertiser.

McNamara: Leaving BII after six years

John McNamara to leave BII

By The PMA Team

BII chief executive John McNamara is leaving the organisation after six and half years in the role after being head hunted to take over the Alliance of Sector Skills Councils, the MA can reveal.

Sky: Will screen Stanford 20/20

Sky lands Stanford 20/20 cricket

By Paul Collins

Sky Sports has won the rights to show the inaugural Stanford 20/20 for 20 cricket match in the autumn as well extending its deal for Heineken Cup rugby.

Reversing decline: MPs and trade leaders want tax relief

Empty property tax relief support

By Paul Collins

MPs and trade leaders have added their support to the British Property Federation's (BPF) campaign for reversal of empty property tax.

Murphy: Heading for Europe

Murphy case: Written judgement out

By Ewan Turney

The Premier League will have to drop foreign satellite prosecutions if the European Court of Justice rules no geographical restrictions apply to their use but Premier League vows prosecutions will continue.

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