Opinion & Interviews

Opinions offered: the tied tenant survey results are expected to be announced shortly


MRO made more accessible

By Fiona Dickie, pubs code adjudicator

It has been a busy few weeks for the pubs code adjudicator (PCA).

Plenty of irons in the fire: Jean-David Thumelaire of Budweiser Brewing Group UK&I


FEATURE: Customers are demanding super premium beers

By Gary Lloyd

Pubs are seeing a significant switch of customers turning to high-end drinks and increasing spend per serve, according to Budweiser Brewing Group (BBG UK&I) on-trade director Jean-David Thumelaire.

Recruitment and retention: Anthony Hughes lays out a number of ways in which the industry can be an attractive place to work


Making hospitality a viable career choice

By Anthony Hughes, director, Lincoln Green Brewing Company

Lincoln Green Brewing Company's Anthony Hughes outlines his thoughts on how the sector can offer a viable career path.

Opinion offered: Jackie Moody-McNamara outlines how the sector can #EmbraceEquity


Why the hospitality sector must #EmbraceEquity

By Jackie Moody-McNamara

Jackie Moody-McNamara is a mentor as well as a critical friend, strengths coach and growth facilitator to numerous boards, specialising in strategy, leadership and accelerating the career progression of talented women, who has looked at how the industry...

Independents suffering: Sacha Lord says not all hospitality businesses are able to fall back on funding


Forgetting independents is a self-defeating exercise

By Sacha Lord, Night Time Economy Adviser for Greater Manchester

These days, there’s no escaping the seemingly endless amount of data proving that the hospitality sector is in severe difficulty.

Was January trade positive for pubs?


January trade - win or loss?

By Ed Bedington

Against a backdrop of rocketing price rises, rampant inflation, and closures and sales, it’s been interesting being on the road for the Publican Awards judging this week.

No room to grow: Three Hills at Bartlow managing director Emma Harrison (pictured) shares her thoughts on financial burdens restricting the sector


Financial burdens leave no room for growth

By Emma Harrison

For the last few years, it feels like the hospitality sector has been thwarted in every direction, no matter how efficiently we run our businesses, and operating a pub/restaurant with rooms has never been harder.

Work to be done: Drinkaware chief executive Karen Tyrell

Big Interview

EXCLUSIVE: A new strategy in the relationship with alcohol

By Phil Mellows

Karen Tyrell smiles and shrugs as though the answer is so obvious the question really wasn’t worth asking. “Well, yes, I go to pubs. They’re nice places to be, aren’t they?” she says, sure that no one could doubt it.

Beer focus: The MA's Ed Bedington urges operators to put cask back in the heart of business

The Cask Project - opinion

Are we missing the best footfall driver?

By Ed Bedington

As January makes way for February and the colder miserable months continue to bite, pubs will be eager to look for ways to drive punters over the threshold.

Return to wet-led business: David Bentley, owner and licensee of the Old Bowling Green in Derbyshire


Turning full circle but help needed now

By David Bentley, licensee, the Old Bowling Green, Winster, Derbyshire

As a result of the 1989 Beer Orders, I was able to have my pick of pubs for sale in 1990 and fell in love with a 15th century hostelry in the centre of a small village, high in the hills of a national park.

What will it take to save the cask ale category?

The cask project – opinion

Seeking the silver bullet(s) to save cask

By Gary Lloyd

Writing and compiling stories for The Cask Project has led me to believe the under-threat category of cask ale could be improved vastly with a handful of changes.

Finance facts: The MA's Ed Bedington highlights how the sector has helped drive economic growth


When will Gov recognise sector’s value?

By Ed Bedington

The news that the UK appears to have dodged the recessionary bullet in 2022 thanks to unexpected growth in November was a welcome bit of news for economy watchers.

Financial issues: Anthony Hughes looks at how the sector could be improved through legislation changes


Overtaxed and underpaid?

By Anthony Hughes, director, Lincoln Green Brewing Company

The headlines have recently been filled with details of rising inflation and the cost-of-living crisis, with strike action across many sectors.

End-of-year reflection: Fiona Dickie has clarified what her role is as pubs code adjudicator


Acting on pubs code breaches

By Fiona Dickie, pubs code adjudicator

One of the things learned from talking to stakeholders in developing the pubs code adjudicator’s (PCA) three-year strategy is that people still have different expectations of the PCA.

Molson Coors opinion on making cask a pub USP

the cask project

Let’s make cask ale a true USP

By Mark Bentley, category management controller and beer sommelier, Molson Coors

A fresh pint of cask ale, perfectly served, is one of life’s great pleasures and a genuine unique selling point (USP) of the great British pub.

Opinions wanted: pubs code adjudicator Fiona Dickie said the next tied tenant survey will be starting soon


Understanding the tied tenant experience

By Fiona Dickie, pubs code adjudicator

The pubs code is a powerful piece of legislation, but I need to know how it is working in practice and tenants are the key voice.

Category history: why is cider rarely considered in the same echelons as Champagne or whisky, asks Molson Coors' Mark Bentley (image: Getty/Scott Mansfield)


Cider has a heritage we should shout about more

By Mark Bentley, on-trade category controller, Molson Coors

Molson Coors on-trade category controller Mark Bentley reflects on the history and provenance of cider and why pubs, bars and restaurants should make more of the category’s versatility.

Staff shortages: Philip Smith outlines two approaches to addressing the recruitment issues, which are attracting school and university leavers and over 50s into the sector (image: Getty/MmeEmil)


Solving the hospitality workforce crisis

By Philip Smith, the Lord Smith of Hindhead CBE and chief executive of the Association of Conservative Clubs

Recent figures from the Office of National Statistics show hospitality has 174,000 vacancies. These staff shortages are growing, and hospitality businesses face rising input costs, as operators compete for staff, as well as causing one in three hospitality...

Strike impact: 'Once again, the hospitality sector gets thrown under the bus just in time for Christmas,' says The MA's Ed Bedington


A strike too far?

By Ed Bedington

Given the chaos of the past few years and the challenges pub and bar operators face going forward, we can be forgiven for hoping to be allowed to enjoy a reasonable Christmas trade before the realities of the new year bite.

Operator opinion: Gav Young from the Plough and Barleycorn hits back at recent price rises


A resignation by any other title

By Gav Young, the Plough and Barleycorn, Isle of Wight

The annual pantomime of brewery price rises has begun, kicked off by the same villain that brought you two price rises this year.

Chris Jowsey of Admiral Taverns on government demands and future

Big Interview

BIG INTERVIEW: Great value key in next year says Jowsey

By Gary Lloyd

Admiral Taverns chief executive Chris Jowsey believes community wet-led pubs are going to be able weather the storms of the next 12 months more admirably than most so long as they provide great value and make every visit something to remember.

HospoDemo info: Bath Pub Company MD Joe Cussens outlines why he is attending the Hospitality Demonstration on Monday 14 November in London's Parliament Square


Why I’m attending Hospitality Demo & why you should too

By Joe Cussens, managing director, The Bath Pub Company

The pub industry is facing a crisis the like of which we have never seen - rocketing costs and falling consumer confidence make the challenge of pandemic look like the good old days.

Education expansion: pubs code adjudicator Fiona Dickie outlines how she is delivering her message of compliance


Talking to the industry

By Fiona Dickie, pubs code adjudicator

In my role as pubs code adjudicator (PCA), I meet with a whole range of people across the industry to promote the pubs code and deliver my message of compliance, whether that is talking with tied tenants, with the regulated pub companies, or with others...

A success born in the pandemic: Nightcap co-founder and chief executive Sarah Willingham (credit: Nicky Johnston)

big interview

BIG INTERVIEW: There’s always time for a Nightcap

By Gary Lloyd

While most businesses hit the wall during the pandemic, Sarah Willingham saw there was a pent-up demand for socialising in hospitality together with a power shift towards tenants from landlords and decided to form Nightcap to get the party started.

The right partner: co-founder and chief executive Mark Grunnell now operates 208 sites


Why finding the right funding partner is essential

By Mark Grunnell, co-founder and CEO of Red Oak Taverns

I launched Red Oak Taverns 11 years ago with my co-founder, Aaron Brown and, since then, we’ve grown our portfolio to 208 pubs.

Opinion piece: pubs and bars are once again going to be left dangling while the MPs pat themselves on the back and head off for a few weeks jollies by the seaside,' says The MA's Ed Bedington


Missed opportunities leaves pubs swinging

By Ed Bedington

Those that were desperately hoping for some kind of support or helping hand from the Chancellor’s mini-budget have been left bitterly disappointed.

We’ve had to wait and wait, while costs and pressures mount, this Government needs to get back to work and get those details out there, to give operators the information they need to try and survive,' says the MA's Ed Bedington


Time is running out

By Ed Bedington

If ever there was a time for action, it is now, yet our industry sits paralyzed by the inaction and indecision of Government as businesses burn all around it.

Winter of discontent: The Morning Advertiser editor Ed Bedington fears the industry will not last without help


I think we’re alone now...

By Ed Bedington

What will it take for this Government to wake up and face the reality of the energy crisis for business?

Opinion for the cask project on beer quality for customers

the cask project – opinion

Cask ale shouldn’t be Russian roulette

By Gary Lloyd, associate features editor at The Morning Advertiser

There’s nothing better than seeing a beer on the bar you really want to try rather than the homogenous offer available at almost all pubs.

Operator comment: Brendan Padfield of the Unruly Pig outlines his thoughts on the current landscape facing the sector


'Things can only get better'

By Brendan Padfield, owner, the Unruly Pig, Bromeswell, Suffolk

I am old enough to remember when Tony Blair first got elected and particularly the Labour Party’s then electoral anthem “things can only get better “.

Comment piece: Gav Young outlines his thoughts on recent beer price rises


Are we the elephant in the ‘partnership’?

By Gav Young, the Plough and Barleycorn, Isle of Wight

It is probably because I am not an accountant or a multinational brewery that I have some issues with the recent mid-year price rise announcement from one of the big brewers.

Craft definition: Powderkeg Beer’s Jess Magill says craft is not a style but is about the producers of beer


What is craft beer and why is it important?

By Jess Magill, founder & orchestrator, Powderkeg Beer

A few years back it became a running joke among our brewery team as to who could define craft beer. It’s such a notoriously slippery concept that no one wanted to attempt it, especially not in print.

Recent news: pubs code adjudicator Fiona Dickie recently appeared in front of a select committee, among others, to discuss how the pubs code is working


Showing progress in the tied pub relationship

By Fiona Dickie, pubs code adjudicator

I was grateful for the opportunity to appear before a parliamentary select committee this week, to give evidence about the progress of the pubs code in bringing fairness to the tied relationship in the regulated pub trade.

Help needed: Sacha Lord calls on the Government to bring forward the beer duty cut planned for next year


'At this moment of acute danger, speed is of the essence'

By Sacha Lord, night-time economy adviser for Greater Manchester

After it emerged that he is spending half a million pounds of taxpayers’ money on a focus group vanity exercise to try to repair his battered image, the Chancellor has finally come forward with a package of support to help people struggling to pay their...

Top thoughts: being able to diversify will help businesses, according to Seb Heeley-Wiggins


'Diversification will carry us through'

By Seb Heeley-Wiggins, the Spirit of Manchester Distillery co-founder

Last year, amid the turmoil of the hospitality sector, we made a choice to plough a significant investment into a roto-vap allowing us to distil under pressure and at lower temperatures.

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