Food & Drink

Disgruntled licensees can have their say

OFT asks hosts to get in touch on beer tie

By John Harrington

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is accepting submissions from individual licensees as well as stakeholders for its new investigation into pubcos.

Spirits substitution has been reduced 80% in 10 years

Counterfeit spirits crackdown

By Robyn Lewis

The crackdown on counterfeit spirits has been stepped up by the International Federation of Spirits Producers (IFSP) amid fears the recession will...

Good Bottled Beer Guide: out now

Bottled beers continue to grow

By Ewan Turney

The growth of bottle conditioned beers shows no signs of ending, according to the author of the Good Bottled Beer Guide.

Benner: we need a People's Pint

Camra: scrap duty on low abv beers

By Ewan Turney

The Campaign for Real Ale (Camra) wants the Government to introduce a "People's Pint" by abolishing duty on all beers below 2.8% abv.

Taps Bar: self-service beer

Serve your own beer at Manchester bar

By Ewan Turney

A Manchester bar is offering customers the chance to serve themselves beer at their tables. Taps, owned by bar and restaurant proprietors Nick and...

EU will look at whether beer tie is legal

Euro bid on beer tie now open

By Ewan Turney

Both sides of the pubco debate have about eight weeks to make their cases to Europe as it re-examines the beer tie. The European front in the beer...

Titanic: definitely noit a sinking ship

Titanic Stout is Champion Bottled Beer

By Ewan Turney

Titanic Stout has been crowned Champion Bottled Beer of Britain and will now be sold through 100 bars and cafes by Travelodge. Titanic scooped the...

Brewery owner Craig Lee (R) celebrates success

Rudgate Ruby Mild crowned Champion Beer

By MA Team

Rudgate Ruby Mild has been crowned Champion Beer of Britain at the Great British Beer Festival. Ruby Mild, which has an abv of 4.4%, is described in...

Cobra: pre-pack administration

Cobra Beer's creditors owed £71m

By The PMA Team

A total of 340 unsecured creditors will be left owed a total of £71,741,912 as a result of the collapse of Cobra Beer in a pre-pack administration...

Protz: pub goers are losing their taste for big-brand lagers

Is lager really losing its fizz?

By Roger Protz

Drinkers are rejecting blandness in favour of flavour — and big brewers are suffering, says Roger Protz.

Tiger: draught trials proved a success

Draught Tiger set for rollout

By Sonya Hook

Tiger beer is to be rolled out in a draught format across the UK, following successful trials earlier this year. Draught Tiger contains the same...

Cask ale: pulling power

Cask ale outperforms on-trade market

By Robyn Lewis

Cask ale outperformed the rest of the on-trade beer market last year and is set to return to growth by 2011 at the latest. New figures from...

Beer sales have shown some signs of stabilising

Beer sales start to stabilise

By Ewan Turney

The decline in beer sales has started to show signs of stabilisation despite overall sales recording a dip of 4.8% for the second quarter.

Pubs need to have procedures in place for dealing with swine flu

Pub trade calm in face of swine flu

By Gemma McKenna

As the number of new swine flu cases topped 100,000 in the UK last week, the pub trade remains calm in the face of the pandemic.

BrewDog: controversial brew

London bar defends Britain's strongest beer

By Ewan Turney

A London bar has leapt to the defence of Britain's strongest beer amidst the outcry from the health lobbyists. Brewdog sparked controversy when it...

Research brewery will help improve the efficiency of the brewing process, says SAB Miller

SABMiller to 'push boundaries of brewing'

By Ewan Turney

SABMiller is to plough £2m into a new global brewing research facility to "push the boundaries of conventional brewing technology". The 1,000-litre...

Tokyo creators James Watt (L) and Martin Dickie (R)

Britain's strongest beer 'will beat binge'

By Ewan Turney

Controversial Scottish brewer BrewDog has claimed the launch of Britain's strongest beer will help alleviate the binge drinking culture. BrewDog,...

Master blender Richard Paterson tries out his creations

Whyte & Mackay creates celeb whisky blends

By Gemma McKenna

Whisky brand Whyte & Mackay has created customised blends for Scottish celebrities which reflect their personalities. The chosen few include...

20,000 marched in protest

20,000 march against Diageo closures

By Ewan Turney

Over 20,000 people joined a protest march against the planned closure of Diageo's Johnnie Walker bottling plant in Kilmarnock yesterday. The march...

Trade reacts to new probe

Trade reacts to new beer tie probe

By John Harrington

Groups and companies from across the industry give their view on the new beer tie probe by the Office of Fair Trading.

Beer volumes down

Beer volumes down 10% in May

By The PMA Team

Brewers and pub companies must work harder to ensure on-trade beer prices are attractive enough to tempt consumers out of their homes, AC Neilsen...

Beer keg theft

Crown Court trial for £9m beer keg theft

By John Harrington

Twelve men are to face Crown Court trials over allegations of their involvement in a £9m beer keg theft conspiracy. It comes as major brewers...

MPs back pro-pub beer tax call

MPs back pro-pub beer tax call

By John Harrington

MPs are backing the call for Europe to allow the UK to set a lower rate of duty for draught beer sold in pubs. Fifteen to date have signed an Early Day Motion petition.

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