Paralysed charity worker gets pub's support

By Matt Eley Matt

- Last updated on GMT

A paralysed charity worker could be flown back to England to receive the specialist care he needs thanks to the fundraising efforts of a pub. Dan...

A paralysed charity worker could be flown back to England to receive the specialist care he needs thanks to the fundraising efforts of a pub.

Dan Eley was paralysed from the neck down following a swimming accident in a remote jungle region in Colombia on New Year's Day.

He had been in the country for several years working with street children and is currently receiving treatment in Bogata.

Friends and family are trying to raise £90,000 for an air ambulance to bring him home.

And that fund was boosted by an event at the Plough, in Colharbour, Surrey, which is owned by his uncle and aunt Rick and Anna Abrehart.

The event included performances by local musicians and a charity auction. It was also attended by local resident Virginia McKenna, founder of the Born Free Foundation.

Rick said: "The night was very well supported and the customers have been extremely generous. Even people who could not make it have come in and dropped of cheques."

In all the pub has been able to contribute more than £3,500 to the cause, which is already at the £80,000 mark.

"There is a Facebook group set up for Dan and the support has been phenomenal as it has about 8,000 members," said Rick

"The best quote we got to get an air ambulance to bring him back is £50,000. The rest has already helped pay for his mum, Carolyn my sister, to go out there and be with him."

He added: "Dan is such a lovely lad and always wants to help people, he loved working over there.

"At the moment it is still too early to know how much of a recovery he can make but there have been some signs of progress."

Donations can be made at ​. Click on the link to join the Facebook group Help Dan

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