Get the basics right and success is yours

By Andy Slee

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Slee: great service is key
Slee: great service is key
Any business not offering value to 30% of its customers is in trouble, says Andy Slee.

One third of people visiting pubs currently say they don't get value for money.

I hope this headline from a recent him! survey of 5,000 pub-goers stopped you in your tracks like it did me.

Any business not offering value to 30% of its customers is in trouble — borne out by the fact that fewer people visit the pub less often and as a result spend less money. In this case everyone loses — licensees, pubcos, suppliers et al.

"But I can't compete with Tesco," I hear you cry.

That was my reaction as well until I read the rest of the report. It gives pointers as to how everyone in the industry can be more successful and, more importantly, how all the solutions are in our control.

Why am I so confident?

Because "acceptable prices" was ranked seventh — yes, seventh — most important success factor for a pub. Just ahead of availability of a beer garden.

Space limits a full analysis of what people rate ahead of this but in a nutshell there are two main themes.

Firstly, a good choice of drinks in all areas but especially non-alcoholic. The days of post-mix, some tonic and an orange juice are long gone!

Secondly, quality of both wet and dry product and prompt, well trained service.

Why do we need to change? Just look around you. Ten years ago who'd have thought people would be visiting a garage for breakfast à la Wild Bean Café or a chemist like Boots for lunch. Both offer a good range served quickly and to emphasise the point, have you checked the price of a "coffee on the go" recently?

There are successful pubs in every town I visit. It's no coincidence that the winners stock a range of food and drink brands that people know which are well merchandised and served by well trained staff. For example, the majority of pub-goers who don't visit the bar know just as well as those that do what is available to buy.

No more no less — success factors which haven't changed in the 22 years I've been working in the licensed trade.

The one thing that has changed is also highlighted by him!. Customers won't mourn any of the 50+ pubs per week that are shutting which can't do these basics right. I for one say "hear hear" to that.

Andy Slee is licensing trade director at Coca-Cola Enterprises

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