Flame on with Proud of Pubs

The Queen. Sir Paul McCartney. And now the English pub!What all three have in common is that they have all been recipients of the Outstanding...

The Queen. Sir Paul McCartney. And now the English pub!

What all three have in common is that they have all been recipients of the Outstanding Contribution to Tourism at the England travel industry's Oscars, the Enjoy England Awards.

And this month the award is beginning its tour around some of the best pubs in the country under the Proud of Pubs campaign.

The tour, dreamed up by actor, pub landlord and brewer Neil Morrissey - who picked up the award on behalf of the industry at the awards in April - is attempting to take in as many remarkable pubs as possible over the next year.

In Olympic-relay style, the award will spend a short period of time at each pub following a Publican appeal for readers to tell us why you are 'proud of your pub' last month.

The very first recipient of the award was the Distillers in London's Smithfield, which was presented with the award when it hosted an event marking the launch of Enjoy England's Inn England campaign backing pubs (see below).

Charity work and more

Pubs accross England have been contacting The Publican to tell us why they should host the award, and quite a tour is now being put in place.

As well as poetry summing their pub's place at the heart of their community (see panel), publicans have told us a string of positive stories.

Mitch Adams at the Thatchers Arms in Mount Bures, Essex, told us how the pub had raised more than £4,000 for charity so far this year with events from quizzes to dog shows.

Barbara Haigh at the Grapes in Limehouse, London described how she rescued the pub from obscurity and turned it into an award-winner following Allied's takeover of Taylor Walker in the mid-1990s.

Most memorable so far though has been the submission from Philip Cutter at the Gardeners' Arms in Norwich who described just why the pub has a special place in the local folklore.

"This pub is known locally as 'The Murderers', a nickname which dates back to events of June 1895, when the landladies daughter was murdered by her estranged husband," he said.

"We celebrate this year 25 years at this establishment, with the pub having been trading since 1841, and damaged during the Norwich blitz of April 1942.

"I am proud of pubs and there heritage generally, and would be honoured to be considered to host this award of behalf of publicans of Norwich or Norfolk."

Why we're proud of our pub

John, Susan and Lucy Pilgrim at the White Swan Inn, Thornton Le Clay, York staked their claim for the award with their own poem!

For twenty seven years we've owned and run

The White Swan at Thornton le Clay.

Our welcome, service and standards

Are as good as they were that first day.

Local sourced produce and homegrown herbs

Ensure value for money dishes give pleasure,

With fine wines, fun cocktails and countless cask ales

Our theme nights are something to treasure.

Tourists and locals can share the delights

Of our landscaped gardens, but hey,

To show them this trophy in their favourite pub

Would really make their day.

Proud of Pubs Week

The Proud of Pubs Tour is kicking off in the run-up to the third Proud of Pubs Week - the national and local celebration of pubs hosted by The Publican from July 11-19.

As well as the launch of our own beer - Morrissey Fox Proud of Pubs Best bitter - the campaign sees publicans urged to take part in the following activities:

· Monday July 13​ Reach out to your locals in a new way by establishing an online community on Twitter or Facebook

· Tuesday July 14​ Put on a Proud of Pubs Night, and try something new in your pub

· Wednesday July 15​ Get a celebrity in your pub and pin a badge on them

· Thursday July 16 ​Make a noise in your community, raise money for a local cause and register your fundraising with The Publican

· Friday July 17​ Get your MP into your pub

Find out more about Proud of Pubs Week 2009

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