'Fancy a swift twother?'

A two-thirds pint - or a twother - could become a standard measure in bars and restaurants next year under proposals announced yesterday by the...

A two-thirds pint - or a twother - could become a standard measure in bars and restaurants next year under proposals announced yesterday by the National Weights and Measures Laboratory. The idea was mooted by the British Beer and Pubs Association, which believes that it is the ideal glass for a high-strength beer or lager - The Times

A steaming hot drink may be all it takes to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, psychologists have found. Holding a warm cup of coffee was enough to make people think strangers were more welcoming and trustworthy, while a cold drink had the opposite effect, a study by the University of Colorado has found - The Guardian

Researchers at Rice University in Houston are developing a beer that contains the same heart disease and cancer-fighting ingredients found in wine. The team is using genetic engineering to create a beer which contains resveratrol, and they hope to make the beer even healthier than wine by using larger concentrations of the ingredient - Fox News

A caravan has been turned into a mobile pub by youths on a Tyneside estate. A gang of more than 20 troublemakers pulled the caravan by hand around North Shields, stopping at frequent intervals to drink alcohol. They spent up to three days living in the mobile boozer before police seized it - North Shields Chronicle

Dr Pepper is to give away a free soft drink to every American after Guns N' Roses announced the release of their latest album. The US drinks manufacturer announced it would give away the free drinks if the album was ever released in 2008, after several release dates were missed. The album Chinese Democracy will be released on 23 November - BBC News

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