'Continental-style cafe culture failed in Britian'
Ministers are preparing to toughen up the laws on alcohol sales because Labour's hopes of creating a Continental-style cafe culture have not materialised since licensing laws were relaxed nearly three years ago. As well as a likely ban on happy hours, pubs and clubs may be ordered to serve smaller measures of wines and spirits as standard and cigarette-style health warnings could be put on alcohol containers - Daily Mail
Alcohol retailers are routinely guilty of "irresponsible and harmful practices", a report by auditors KPMG says. These include venues admitting under-18s, promoting alcohol with cut-price offers and serving people who are "blatantly intoxicated" - BBC
A recent survey found that 70 per cent of licensed premises no longer offered customers the option of a 125ml wine glass, with 175ml standard in 75 per cent of pubs and 14 per cent using 250ml glasses as standard. Many premises are also said to have increased spirit measures from 25ml to 35ml and to offer doubles as standard - The Times
A study by French scientists suggests loud music in a bar is good for its bottom line. They found that when the volume goes up, punters drink faster and consume more - The Guardian
Cancer researchers believe they have discovered two genes which allow people to hold their drink. Carriers of the gene also have a 50 per cent less likely to develop mouth, throat and oesophageal cancer - The Scotsman
Sara Lee's $2.2bn food services business that provides slices of apple pie and cups of coffee to diners and restaurants across the US is having a tough run as cost-conscious consumers save money by eating at home - Financial Times