Thursday July 17: Put people first

You can have the best-looking pub with the finest drink and food in the country - but if you haven't got a well-motivated, friendly and efficient...

You can have the best-looking pub with the finest drink and food in the country - but if you haven't got a well-motivated, friendly and efficient team to help you look after it all, you haven't got a business.

That's why taking care of your staff, and showing how much you value them, is a key plank of Proud of Pubs Week for the second year running.

One way in which you can do that is by putting your team forward for The Publican's Proud of Your People Award, run in association with Fairy.

With monthly winners picking up a £300 prize until the end of the year - as well as a £50 hamper of Fairy products for the nominating licensee - the initiative has already seen licensees from across the UK nominate their teams. From keeping a pub in business after flood damage, to delivering thousands of leaflets door-to-door, the stories of how pub teams going above and beyond the call of duty should act as inspiration for everyone.

If you choose to enter the award during Proud of Pubs Week tell your staff that you are doing so, so they are in doubt about how much you value them.

Obviously only a limited number of people can actually win the award, but simply by letting your team know you are entering them for a national initiative will give them a boost.

And if you've already entered Proud of Your People - or if you are looking for more ideas to involve your staff in the business - the BII has the following suggestions:

• Why not take staff members out to a strong competitor to get you both thinking about the business?

• Put on a wine, beer or food tasting session for all of your team to ensure they are completely familiar with your offer.

• Invite staff members to work with you on weekly or monthly business plans for the pub.

Make Proud of Pubs Week the week when you really show your staff how important they are to your pub - and its success.

Our Proud of Your People winners so far…

* The team at the Feathers in Hedley-on-the-Hill, near Northumberland, picked up the first monthly prize in recognition of their support for new licensees Helen Greer and Rhian Cradock. Staff got up to speed on wine, took more of a lead front-of-house and injected new ideas of their own into the business.

* Taking on extra work when licensees Louise & Ashley Gargan's young son fell ill helped the team at the Shakespeare in Welford on Avon, Warwickshire pick up the prize for March. Staff were also praised for helping to deliver a 6,000-house mailshot after the pub was revamped.

* Kimberley McGibbon's team at the Fox & Grapes in Hawarden in North Wales won the April award after constantly coming up with new initiatives to help her take the pub forward. Pre-ordered lunches and a promotion for local businesses are among the benefits dreamed up by the team.

* The all-male team at the Robin Hood in Sutton, Surrey won the prize for May in recognition for their sterling work for charity and the local community - which even stretched to donning high heels for a night's work. Licensee Michelle Green said elderly customers were particularly grateful for the team's support.

* Helping to keep the pub afloat after it was hit by floods saw the team at the Fox and Hounds in Haydon Wick, Swindon pick up the prize in June. Staff at the pub have also been instrumental in helping cut the pub's energy bills.


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