My pub juke box

Geoff Thomasson, chief executive of worldwide refrigeration specialist, the Husky Group My taste in music has changed over the years, but each one...

Geoff Thomasson,

chief executive of worldwide refrigeration specialist, the Husky Group

My taste in music has changed over the years, but each one of my selected pieces holds great memories. Music continues to inspire me and I'd like to think I have eclectic taste.

Listening to my iPod on long-haul business trips is not only relaxing, but lets me re-live some fantastic moments.


1. PARANOID Black Sabbath

The first line "Finished with my woman 'cos she couldn't help me with my mind" reminds me of the laddish culture of the '70s. In my mind, Black Sabbath remains the most influential heavy-metal band of all time.



I can't believe this came out in 1985. It has certainly stood the test of time. There's one line that stands out — "We got to move these refrigerators" — which is now sung raucously at numerous Husky company conferences.

3. VIENNA Ultravox

What a memory. This was playing on the car radio as I left hospital after the birth of my daughter, Vicky. She was born in the early hours, and it was a combination of emotion, relief, excitement and elation, all somehow reflected in this classic.



What teenager from the '70s could omit this? It certainly raised the bar for other bands to try and follow, but not many have achieved it. It spawned the first genuine music video, which remains quite outstanding. The current crop of musical talent could learn plenty from Mr Mercury and friends.


5. PROUD MARY Elvis Presley

My biggest regret is that I never saw the King live. He remains an iconic figure, who simply died too young. He'll always be truly missed by millions, and not many others can claim the same.


6. I GET KNOCKED DOWN Chumbawamba

I love skiing, but don't ski particularly well. I was told on one trip that it always helps your style and control if you sing a tune to yourself as you ski. I was singing this song when I fell and broke my back. It still inspires me in business though — especially when times are tough.

7. SIMPLY THE BEST Tina Turner

I'm a fairly driven individual. You might not always win at everything, but the important thing is to do your very best, not just in business, but in your personal life too.

8. IT'S ONLY ROCK 'N' ROLL Rolling Stones

It's essential to keep your perspective on life and remember what's really important. This highlights the importance of a sound work/life balance and the true value of health, family and friends.

9. SYMPHONY NUMBER 9 IN D MINOR Ludwig van Beethoven

I was listening to this on my iPod when landing in China — Husky's manufacturing base. Touchdown was in the middle of a typhoon, very dramatic and a reminder of the force of nature. This is by a composer whose works are also full of drama and force.

10. FROZEN Madonna

A gutsy lady who has moved with the times to ensure she stays on top. Madonna has changed her image and sound over the decades, but continues to appeal to a wide audience. It's a lesson for all of us: don't rest on your laurels and never be complacent.

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