How did this week's storms affect you?
Ian Rigg The Taps Lytham Lancashire
We expected a rough time, but this part of the world escaped fairly lightly. There was a howling gale, but we did not experience any disruption.
The local lifeboat crew was on red alert, but things did not get that serious. We are battening down the hatches for more storms, however.
Paul Bowes Black Bull Wylam Northumberland
This area missed the storms on Sunday and Monday, so we are keeping our fingers crossed. We lost so much money last year through roadworks blocking the access to the pub that we do not want another disaster. Hopefully the winds are blowing in the right direction on us.
Darren Wills Old Inn St Breward Cornwall
There was water damage through the roof of an extension we are building. The gales also disrupted the power supply and the telephones for a time, but that was about all. By Tuesday it was quiet again, but we are expecting more.
Danny Shaw Dog & Duck Kingsfold West Sussex
The fields are like swimming pools, umbrellas were floating away and a few fences were blown down, but that was about as bad as it got. Monday is normally a good trading day for us, but this week it was a total write-off.