Sudarghara Dusanj

Sudarghara Dusanj, chief executive, Cains Corporate goal for the year? To maximise our sponsorship of Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008,...

Sudarghara Dusanj, chief executive, Cains

Corporate goal for the year?

To maximise our sponsorship of Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008, and the Tate Modern London, and leapfrog Cains into Britain's favourite beer company.

Any opportunity to grow your business?

After the reverse takeover of Honeycombe Leisure last year the big opportunity for Cains is the turnaround of the enlarged business.

If there is a downturn in the economy, how bad is it going to get?

I believe that there is a north-south divide and that the biggest downturn will happen in the south as the property prices and living costs up north have not moved up as much as the south.

Where's the light at the end of the tunnel?

For the south I believe the big turning point will be the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

If political pressure increases, what's our best form of defence?

The industry's best form of defence is to attack, and become more proactive and drive change before we are pushed.

Biggest challenge facing your business?

The biggest opportunity for Cains Beer Company this year is to take full advantage of the merger with Honeycombe Leisure and drive customer focus in the retail estate and the brand value of Cains. Our aim is to become Britain's favourite beer company.

Personal goal for the year?

To turnaround the old Honeycombe Leisure businesses from a loss of £2m to a profit before tax of at least £1.

Favourite quotation or business adage?

"All men dream; but not equally, those who dream by night in the dusty recess of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible." TE Lawrence

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