Jeremy Allen

Jeremy Allen, Partner, Poppleston Allen Solicitors Corporate goal for the year? To continue to expand in Nottingham and London within all areas of...

Jeremy Allen, Partner, Poppleston Allen Solicitors

Corporate goal for the year?

To continue to expand in Nottingham and London within all areas of licensing, betting and gaming, and defend licensees/operators charged by the police.

Any opportunity for businesses to grow?

I think there are opportunities for pub operators who get their offer right. You have to have the pub in the correct place and provide an appealing offer. I think that people will gradually come to terms with the smoking ban.

If there is a downturn in the economy, how bad is it going to get?

I don't think the downturn will be as great as some are predicting, but there will be a general slowing down. It will be interesting to see whether it's national or whether locally some areas will do well.

Where's the light at the end of the tunnel?

For me, it's that I don't think it's going to get as bad as some people say.

If political pressure increases, what's our best form of defence?

At some stage there needs to be a change in attitude between the on and off-trade. I would personally like to see a reduction to 16 in the age for people drinking in pubs. I would, however, restrict the types of alcohol that could be sold/given to 16 to 18-year-olds.

Not all pubs would wish to take advantage of this. Those that did would then have to be properly supervised to ensure that 16 to 18-year-olds weren't drinking large amounts of spirits.

They can do this now when it's purchased from an off-licence. People of this age like to go out and socialise and yet more and more pubs are refusing entry, concerned that they will acquire alcohol.

I would not decrease the age at which people could purchase alcohol from off-licences. In fact, there is an argument for increasing it.

Biggest challenge your business faces?

In legal terms, this must be to avoid committing the huge number of offences that are now being targeted at the trade by the police.

Personal goal for the year?

To continue to develop our excellent team of staff so that I can have more holiday.

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