Brulines system at 100 more Punch pubs

By John Harrington

- Last updated on GMT

Brulines system at 100 more Punch pubs
An extra 100 Punch pubs will receive Brulines' Brand Quality Monitoring system

A Brulines system for monitoring the quality of the beer at the point of dispense is being rolled out to a further 100 Punch Taverns pubs.

The Brand Quality Monitoring (BQM) system was initially launched at three Punch pubs and for the past six months it has been used at a further 10 outlets.

BQM is able to measure the temperature of the beer from cellar to glass, the flow rates, line cleaning as well as volume and throughput.

One aim of the system is to identify any problems with equipment at an early stage and avoid maintenance costs. It can also tell pubs which products sell best at which time.

James Dickson, chief executive of Brulines, said: "Consistent delivery of quality pints in pubs has always been an issue for the on trade, and has been held back by the historic inability to automate measurement of the key success factors for the perfect pint - if you can't measure it you can't manage it.

"Brand Quality Monitoring provides that measurement and transparency on beer quality and we have had great support from Punch who are very proactive in helping their lessees improve the consumer experience.

"We are delighted with the progress of Brand Quality Monitoring and we look forward to working with our partners across the on trade to improve beer quality and profits."

Francis Patton, customer services director for Punch, said: "At Punch we believe that helping our licensees deliver the best quality product and deliver exceptional customer service whilst controlling costs will help them prosper in the future.

"The Brulines BQM system will help provide the information we all need to drive our beer sales forward."

Sheree Cushley, area manger of multiple leased operator Pub People, said: "I use the information provided by BQM in my day to day work and find the data really useful in running the four sites where the system is installed.

"I can easily check how the pubs are performing volume wise on a regular basis saving me valuable time as I would normally I would have to work it out manually. The BQM system makes life much easier. I can also check line cleaning regularly and the information has enabled me to improve efficiency and quality.

"The real strength comes from the information being in 'black and white', so the staff can't dispute the findings."

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