Former licensee to get Opus refund

Opus Energy has agreed to refund a former licensee £1,250 after complaints about inaccurate meter readings. Scott Tucker is the latest Morning...

Opus Energy has agreed to refund a former licensee £1,250 after complaints about inaccurate meter readings.

Scott Tucker is the latest Morning Advertiser reader to successfully argue that he had been overcharged by the electricity supplier. However, he is pushing for more money from Opus for the stress caused during his dealings with the company.

Tucker - who ran the Three Brewers in Corsham, Wiltshire, until May - emailed Opus' MD Charlie Crossley Cooke on the advice of the MA.

Opus was chasing Tucker for £1,000 in unpaid bills. The former licensee said that instead of calculating consumption based on day and evening meter readings, the supplier used the evening rate and a third figure relating to the total consumption.

In an email to Tucker, Opus agreed to refund the overpayment of £1,250 and offered its "sincere apologies for the upset and distress this matter may have caused".

Tucker, who was threatened with legal action for unpaid bills, told the MA: "I'm going to push for more [compensation]. They put me through enough stress to warrant more than that amount."

MA readers with any complaints about Opus can email the company at

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