E-pub: new online marketplace

A new online marketplace aims to help smaller businesses source food and drink.Inquirex.com tackles one of the big challenges facing independent pubs...

A new online marketplace aims to help smaller businesses source food and drink.

Inquirex.com tackles one of the big challenges facing independent pubs - reducing the time, cost and hassle of finding new suppliers. Buyers can use Inquirex to communicate their requirements to relevant suppliers for any product or service, from kegs of lager to premium vol-au-vents.

"As an extremely simple to use, no-risk, free marketplace where buyers and sellers can find each other, Inquirex offers an ideal step into the world of online business for caterers and pubs as well as suppliers such as microbreweries and specialist bakers," says Inquirex marketing director Eric McCabe.

"It's different from any other web-based service because it can source suppliers for virtually any product or service, and it goes far beyond simple supplier listings by matching the specific requirements of buyers."

When they place a request, buyers retain their anonymity and can control the whole process by specifying exactly what they want and how many responses they want from suppliers.

As well as saving time, money and hassle the system helps licensees find the best supplier to meet their needs, whether it's for a low-cost option, local, premium or organic products, or for a firm that can meet a tight deadline.

Sellers can be listed for free under the categories and geographic areas they serve. They are only charged when they respond to a lead.To find out more, log on to www.inquirex.com

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