What the papers say - June 15, 2007

By Eleanor Goodman

- Last updated on GMT

Motorists could find themselves over the alcohol limit after just one drink under a proposal to bring Britain's drink-drive law into line with the...

Motorists could find themselves over the alcohol limit after just one drink under a proposal to bring Britain's drink-drive law into line with the rest of Europe. The government is considering lowering the limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg and later this year will publish a consultation paper to gauge opinion. With a 50mg limit, most people would be able to consume only one 175ml glass of standard-strength wine or half a pint of strong beer and remain legally fit to drive - The Times

Poker clubs will today launch a High Court bid to reverse government plans to regulate the game, which they claim will force them out of business. The UK Poker Clubs Association, representing 72,000 players across 13 clubs, says the Gambling Act, coming into force in September, favours establishments such as casinos that offer poker as an ancillary activity. The Gambling Act will also allow premises such as pubs to offer poker without a licence, but expect the game to be played essentially for fun and peppercorn stakes, ensuring pubs do not profit - The Financial Times

Increasing numbers of young people are using ecstasy, cannabis, amphetamines and cocaine to prolong sexual pleasure, government advisers said last night. After taking the drugs, young people were much more likely to engage in unprotected sex. Their use of drugs and alcohol was "fuel for a sexual health crisis", including rising rates of chlamydia, HIV and syphilis - The Guardian

Almost half of working-age men in Russia who die are killed by alcohol abuse, according to a new medical study which says the country's males die in excessive numbers not just because they drink lots of vodka but because they also consume products containing alcohol, such as eau de cologne, antiseptics and medicinal tinctures. Some products contain 95% alcohol by volume, equating to 200 proof - The Guardian

Barmy council bosses are advertising for a "smoke freedom officer". The job involves cracking down on pub punters who light up after the July 1 ban comes in. Annual pay is between £19,482 and £24,423. Canterbury Council has been slammed by locals for wasting public cash - The Sun

People who have radical gastric bypass surgery in a desperate bid to be slimmer could put on weight because they drink more. The procedure, which reduces the stomach to the size of a walnut, heightens the effects of alcohol, according to a study published yesterday. Patients who have the surgery not only get drunk quicker and take longer to get sober, but are also in danger of swapping their addiction to food with a hunger for alcohol - The Telegraph

A time-sensitive label has been created to show how long fresh food should be stored before being thrown out. It can fit on to the lids of jars, bottles and cartons and is activated when the containers are opened. An ink line appears on the label and grows longer by the day. Manufacturers can pre-set the device so the ink line reaches the far side of the lid when the product is no longer fresh - The Telegraph

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