
The Forum for Private Business has criticised InBev for changing its payment terms for suppliers as an "abuse of power". The company has changed its...

The Forum for Private Business has criticised InBev for changing its payment terms for suppliers as an "abuse of power". The company has changed its payment terms from 30 days from the end of the month of invoice to 60 days. InBev said this was due to "changes in our payment terms for reasons of consistency and standardisation across our whole business in the West of Europe."

Donnington Brewery owner Claude Arkell, aged 89, is believed to have taken his own life after it emerged he was found dead with a "shotgun injury". His cousin, James Arkell, told the Cotswold Journal: "The whole family is shellshocked. He wasn't well and he didn't like being old. He'd always threatened he would commit suicide and he felt it was his right."

MA Web - p5; Tribute to Arkell - p9

Punch Taverns' first ever Beer is Best conference took place in Brussels, Belgium last week. Licensees from 43 Punch outlets gathered to consider market trends and challenges in the pub market. The conference was the culmination of a Punch initiative to grow beer sales and focus on quality standards. All attending licensees had beaten beer sales targets.

A survey has found that tens of thousands of Scots have given up smoking since the ban was introduced there last year but the legislation has had little impact on those living in deprived areas. The Scottish Household Survey 2006, an annual survey of 15,618 households for the Scottish Executive, shows the number of smokers in affluent areas fell two percent during 2006 to 12 %. However, the number of smokers in deprived areas has not changed, with 41 % of the population still puffing away.

There are just 17 days to go until smoking is banned in England. From 6am on Sunday 1 July, smoking will not be permitted in pubs. Are you ready? Visit for all the latest news, tips and advice on how to prepare for the ban.

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