Would you allow customers to breast-feed a baby in your pub?
Chris Green
Stansfield Arms, Apperley Bridge, Bradford, W. Yorks
I have three children and my wife comes from Sweden, which has a very liberal attitude to this sort of thing, so how can I object?
I do not have a problem with it in any case and as long as mothers behave discreetly, why not allow them to do it? It is quite natural behaviour.
If women do want some privacy we are always prepared to find somewhere that is a bit more secluded for them.
Carol Cadwallader
Spring Inn,
It is quite acceptable to us and we have always had a very open policy about breast-feeding while we have been here.
We have only known one gentleman
to complain about it. We decided to ask him to move to another table rather than disturb the mother.
As long as it is not blatant, it is fine by us because it is quite natural and babies always want feeding.
Catherine Bown
Crown, Rawmarsh, Rotherham,
South Yorkshire
In the seven years I have run this pub, nobody has ever breast-fed a baby and nobody has asked either, which is fairly remarkable.
I think it would be quite acceptable as long as women were not too open about it. In any case, we have plenty of quiet corners where they could go if they preferred some privacy.
I've seen it happen in plenty of other pubs and most people view it as very natural, motherly behaviour.
Jeanne Brennan
Royal Oak,
West Yorkshire
We are not a food pub so we do not tend to get many families or mothers with babies coming in here.
It hasn't happened while I have been in the pub. If a mother wanted to breast-feed, it would not be an issue as far as I am concerned.
Perhaps twenty years ago there might have been some raised eyebrows, but anything goes these days.