South East

Bull Inn Sonning, Berkshire Dennis and Christine Mason are seasoned professionals with nearly 30 years in the trade and have been at the Bull Inn for...

Bull Inn

Sonning, Berkshire

Dennis and Christine Mason are seasoned professionals with nearly 30 years in the trade and have been at the Bull Inn for the past 12 years. Yet Dennis says: "We never thought we would stay here that long."

When the couple arrived at the famous pub - it is mentioned in Jerome K Jerome's classic novel Three Men in a Boat, it was closed

after the previous licensee died insolvent. "He didn't see the potential, but we did," explains Dennis.

Reviving the Bull

To woo customers back to the Bull, the

Masons sent flyers to the local business community and set about providing traditional pub fare where previously the only food available was a ploughman's lunch. Gradually, business people were lured back to the picturesque outlet together with locals, ramblers and boat people. Dennis adds: "It isn't hard building a business if you are any good, it's keeping it that's hard. You have to be thinking up new ideas constantly."

Business-building ideas

There has definitely been no shortage of ideas coming from the couple. The Bull's seven letting bedrooms have been refurbished and there are plans to add more. Two areas of the pub are promoted for business meetings and private parties. Improvements have been made to encourage more al fresco eating and drinking and a take-away meal service has been introduced.

The Masons have also cashed in on the post-lunchtime eating market by offering light bites in response to a nearby hostelry ceasing to offer afternoon food. The Bull is a chip-free zone; Christine remarks: "We haven't served chips for 12 years - long before Jamie Oliver started his healthy-eating campaign."

Change for the good

Another initiative was to offer a tapas menu during the World Cup with dishes themed around the countries participating. "It was a great success and we also had a hog roast on the day of the final," says Dennis.

But perhaps the biggest change follows the Bull's switch in ownership from a Gales to a Fuller's managed house last year. "Our world was turned upside down, but it has re-motivated us and last year was our best year for five years," says Dennis.

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