Test-purchase sting set to target venues

By John Harrington

- Last updated on GMT

Another round of test- purchase operations will target pubs this month, according to a leading licensing solicitor. Although a Home Office-backed...

Another round of test-

purchase operations will

target pubs this month, according to a leading

licensing solicitor.

Although a Home Office-backed national test

purchase operation is not on the cards for October, Jeremy Allen of licensing solicitors Poppleston Allen warned of a spate of sting campaigns across the country.

"I understand that quite a few police forces are proposing to make further attempts at test-purchasing during October," said Allen.

"It's perhaps no great

surprise that a further operation is planned. Indeed, some forces are continuing to do this in any event on a regular basis."

He added: "I understand that it is likely to target off- and on-sales. Most police forces are doing this properly by using sensibly-dressed 16-year-olds wearing no make-up and with proper


"It's certainly worth those of you who are in the trade ensuring that your staff are briefed and your procedures are in order."

Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers chief executive Nick Bish said the trade can expect regular test-

purchase operations while the issue remains high on the Government's agenda.

"Yet again, we are under the spotlight and we have to demonstrate that we can behave impeccably," said Bish.

Bar Entertainment and Dance Association executive director Paul Smith called for greater co-operation between police and the trade to reduce failure rates in test-purchase operations.

"What irks me is that there are plenty of people who would be happy to work in partnership on a number of issues," he said.

Smith was also concerned that failure rates are deceptive because stings are often targeted at venues known to have a problem with under-age drinking.

so the failure rate does not reflect the true picture.

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