Time to reflect on LTC progress

The Licensed Trade Charity's annual conference next month offers a packed business agenda - plus two superb evening functions

As October draws near, the Licensed Trade Charity (LTC) is preparing for its annual conference, which this year will be held in the seaside town of Torquay.

The event will take place on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 October and will see trustees, employees, volunteers, supporters and guests of the LTC gather to hear the progress that

has been achieved since the charity's inception in 2004.

Highlights of the last two years include the launch of the regional volunteer visitor scheme, a talk on which will be presented by Pat Eagle, a regional volunteer visitor herself. Delegates will also hear about the increase in the number of people who have been assisted by the LTC, as well as an update on the future direction of the charity and its plans for the next 12 months.

Guest speakers include Alastair Eadie,

chairman of the Licensed Trade Charities Trust and Godfrey Page, chairman of the Guild of Master Victuallers (GMV).

Eadie, who has been chairman of the trust for four years, will be sharing best practise from the other charities that the trust works alongside. He will also talk about the importance of the LTC developing strong, working relationships with the licensed drinks trade in order for the charity to remain relevant to those who seek support from it.

Trade must work together

Page's recent appointment as GMV chair-

man has reinforced his view that the

licensed trade, including the LTC, needs to work closer together. The charity is best

placed to offer relevant advice and information on all types of situations. His presentation will also provide an update on the work of the GMV.

The conference will also mark Barbara

Williams' last event as LTC chairman. She has been a fantastic chairman and will introduce her successor, Anita Adams, licensee of the Golden Slipper in York.

The annual conference will not be all hard work, however. In true LTC style, there will be two evening functions to compliment the packed business agenda.

On the first evening there will be a seaside soirée to celebrate the end of summer, kindly supported by St Austell Brewery, Britvic and Beam Global Spirits & Wine.

Disguise and intrigue is the theme for the final evening with a masked ball supported by Plymouth Gin and Britvic, rounding off the celebrations of the conference.

For more information on how you can

attend the Licensed Trade Charity's

annual conference and enjoy the fantastic evening entertainment, contact Kelly Gibson on 01344 884440.

Keep in touch

Have you moved and need to tell us your change of address? Were you a member of the SLV, LVNH or the LTCH? To make sure you receive all the latest on what the LTC has been up to and information about the charity's work, please call Linda Huntley on 01344 884 440 or email zrzorefuvc@yvprafrqgenqrpunevgl.bet.hx​ .

Please let us know:

l Your current address and postcode

l Your phone number

l The name of your spouse (if applicable)

l The names of the pub/bar/brewery you worked in.

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