Are you responsible enough?

The MA's Responsible Drinks Retailing is returning for a third year, and we're looking to honour pubs and pubcos that are committed to the cause. JO GROBEL talks to previous winners

The Morning Advertiser is inviting you to take part in our Responsible Drinks Retailing (RDR) campaign.

Now in its third year, the initiative was launched by the MA and its sister publication OLN in response to the Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy, which the Government introduced back in March 2004.

The idea is to find examples of good practice, in order to highlight the great work being undertaken by the industry. The campaign won the Britvic Food and Drink Campaign of the Year Award in 2004.

Here, last year's winners explain how it has helped their businesses.

Francis Patton

customer services director at Punch

"We are now widely recognised as a leader

in responsible retailing within the licensed trade.

"The award has further increased licensees' awareness and gives Punch more credibility when commenting on this highly-topical issue.

"Gaining the accolade was recognition for the efforts being made right across the business, from our business relationship managers to the learning and development team.

"On the back of it we're increasing our activity through the Challenge 21 scheme. When devising promotions, including those for the World Cup and Christmas, responsibility is a key consideration."

Jacquie Macey

licensee of the Fountain Inn, Stourbridge, Worcestershire

"We won the Special Innovation Award for a card we produced to protect our staff when they were asked for a drink by someone who is under-age.

"The staff give the card to the person, which explains why they can't be served and that if they were served, the customer and the member of staff could be charged under the new licensing law.

"We've hung the certificate above the fireplace in the pub, and it's proved to be a talking point with customers. Customers ask what it's all about - it's surprising how many members of the public thought the new licensing laws just meant longer opening hours. It's also made our staff so much more aware."

Ben Lain

bar manager of the Swan Hotel, Stafford

"It wasn't one specific thing that helped us win the Independent Operator Award, it was more the fact that we take on board the whole concept of responsible drinks retailing. This includes having doorstaff on when we need them, through to our barstaff's complete induction and training, where responsible drinks retailing is a big part. We also give all our barstaff the opportunity to take the National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders course (NCPLH).

"It really helped our staff as it gave them recognition for their hard work, but also the motivation to keep it up. We display the award on plasma screens behind the bar, to show customers that they're in a safe environment where they can relax while having a drink."

John Hutson

chief executive

of JD Wetherspoon

"Winning the RDR Pubco Chain Award was fantastic as it showed our customers and proved to our staff that our responsible drinking attitude has been recognised not just by the MA, but by other members of the drinks industry as well. We reprinted the award certificate and put it in all of our pubs, to reassure our customers that it's a well-run outlet.

"The awards have also helped us when dealing with local authorities and the police - it's a public recognition of the good work we do anyway. Wetherspoon abolished two-for-one offers in 2004, as well as the upsizing of drinks, and happy hours, to give just a few examples of our responsible drinks retailing."

How to take part in the RDR campaign

1Enter for an award by calling Nicola Chesson on 01293 867629 for an entry form. The four categories include managed chain, pubco chain, tenant/lessee and independent operator. The winners will be announced at a prestigious ceremony at the London's Sheraton Park Lane Hotel on 21 November. The closing date for entries is 29 September.

The judging criteria for the awards will be based on these six RDR scheme principles. Entrants will be asked to show in a letter how they have covered the following points:

• Asking for ID if a customer appears to be under 21

• Only accepting ID bearing a PASS logo, a passport or a photo driving licence

• Not serving a customer who appears drunk

• Declining the sale if a customer appears to be passing alcohol to under-18s

• Encouraging sensible drinking - staff will gladly discuss the strength of the pub's products and recommended alcohol limits

• Working with others in the community, such as the local authority or police, to create a joined-up response to combat irresponsible drinking

2 Register for an RDR pack to join the RDR scheme by contacting Liz Cousins on 01293 610236. Inclusion in the RDR scheme is just £1 per outlet. For this, pubs receive a pack including an A3 poster, window sticker, plus a guide on how to sell alcohol responsibly. Every outlet that signs up will also have their name added to the RDR Charter, which will be presented to the Government, as well as national media. Your local authority and police will also be informed of your pub's involvement.

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