What I Love about Pubs: Georgina Wald
When I was a kid, I was convinced that Julie Andrews (in the guise of Maria in The Sound of Music) would one day turn up to babysit, and it would be the best day of my life. However, I soon realised that she was obviously a made-up person - after all, anyone who doesn't count pubs among their favourite things, must be a mere illusion!
However often you go to the pub, it's always a relief to see one. How many times have you gone to a wedding in a strange town or village and been relieved to see that there's a pub next door. We all know there's nothing better than a couple of quick pints before church - albeit followed by the inevitable wishing you hadn't drunk them as you can't nip to the loo during All Things Bright and Beautiful.
The other great thing about pubs is that they are so versatile. I've celebrated a lot of events in my local - engagements, births, St George's Day and Fridays in general - but also found it the best place to be at sad times too. When one of our good friends died last year, everyone in our group automatically ended up in the local, and I will always feel my friend is still there, like a part of the furniture.
So what I love about pubs is everything really. And I'm sure that if Julie Andrews took time off from singing irritating ditties with made-up words, she'd no doubt find one that sold a lovely schnitzel with noodles.
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