Should the BBPA and the ALMR merge?

By James Wilmore

- Last updated on GMT

During an interview with The Publican last month, the London & Edinburgh Swallow Group chairman said he believed the Association of Licensed...

During an interview with The Publican last month, the London & Edinburgh Swallow Group chairman said he believed the Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR) and the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) should merge because of their ineffectiveness at political lobbying.

Now Mr Bowes, a member of the ALMR's executive council, has thrown down the gauntlet to the rest of the industry. "I think 90 per cent of the trade believe there should be one trade body," he said. "If I'm wrong, I'll resign (from the ALMR), but if I'm in the majority then I will stay and fight my corner."

Following his initial comments, Mr Bowes received a letter from ALMR chairman Alexander Salussolia, arguing the case for the groups to remain separate. In the letter, which has been seen by The Publican, Mr Salussolia claims there is "no evidence" the government would pay more attention to a single group.

"If you are unable to reconcile the above then maybe membership of the council is not for you and we should accept your offered resignation?", it adds.

In reaction to Mr Bowes' calls for a trade debate, Giles Thorley, chief executive of Punch Taverns, said the prospect of one body was "worth thinking about" in principle. However, he added: "The two organisations do slightly different jobs and both complement rather than contradict each other."

ALMR member Alistair Arkley, chairman of New Century Inns, said he was against the idea of combining the two organisations, but he believed more could be done to differentiate the ALMR and the BBPA. "I don't buy the concept of 'big is beautiful', but it would be useful if the two clarified their roles and outlined the benefits they bring," he said.

The ALMR acknowledged the trade's right to debate the issue and highlighted the results of a recent internal review which has led it to more clearly define its role.

Mr Salussolia described it as a "perennial issue", saying: "There are some operators who believe the industry would be best served by one body, but this is not a view shared by the majority of ALMR members.

"Our core members want the industry bodies to work closely together and certainly speak with one voice on key issues." But he added that he "made no apology" for the fact that the ALMR would take a separate stance to the BBPA on some issues where members' interests differed.

Mark Hastings, communications director of the BBPA, said: "We have a very positive relationship with the ALMR and work in partnership with them on a range of matters.

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