Underage drinking poster campaign hits pubs

By Iain O'Neil

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The British Beer and Pub Association has launched a Challenge 21 poster campaign aimed at stamping out underage drinking in pubs. The idea is to say...

The British Beer and Pub Association has launched a Challenge 21 poster campaign aimed at stamping out underage drinking in pubs.

The idea is to say to young people that if you look under 21 you should expect to be asked to prove your age.

The BBPA has produced 100,000 posters to distribute to pub companies, licensees and managers across the country.

Despite widespread good practice, we still do not get this right often enough.​Mark Hastings, BBPA.

"This national poster campaign is a clear demonstration that the trade takes the issue of underage sales very seriously",​ said Mark Hastings, director of communications at the British Beer & Pub Association. "This is a highly visible way of highlighting to those under 18 that we will not be selling them alcohol, reminding younger adults that if they want to buy a drink, they should carry a proof of age card and reminding our people who work in the trade that implementing a Challenge 21 policy is the best of ensuring you don't sell to under 18s and avoid being caught out in sting operations."

He added: "Despite widespread good practice, we still do not get this right often enough. Every single sale to someone under-18 is damaging to the reputation of the sector.

"Everyone who works in the trade knows what the law is and is trying their best to enforce it. We trust this campaign will help people improve performance in this vital area. We intend this campaign to be part of generating a cultural shift whereby if you are under the age of 21 and go into a pub you should expect to be asked to prove your age. As further reinforcement, the industry standards now say the only acceptable proof of age is a passport, driving licence or PASS accredited proof of age card. Nothing else will do."

Hastings said it was particularly important to be vigilant this summer as thousands of new punters flocked to pbs to watch the World Cup.

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