A fantastic opportunity to cement your place at the heart of

By Andrew Pring, Editor

- Last updated on GMT

Festive hours to suit at last

If you're anything like most people we talk to in the trade, this has just been the busiest and the fastest year of your life.

So much has happened in 2005 - the hassle of getting your new licence sorted out, most obviously, but also urgent business issues like bringing your utilities bills under control and keeping your staff costs down while trying to hang on to the good ones. As I say, so much has been going on that your week away in the sun early next year just can't come soon enough.

There's just the small matter of Christmas to get through first - and that's not going to be easy either. Trade is down for many people, and consumers are not exactly flush with money (unless your punters are City traders, in which case you may well have your best Christmas ever).

Luckily enough, the new extended hours you've hopefully just gained should prove extremely handy. The party spirit can flow that much later, and will give you a fantastic opportunity to cement your place at the heart of all social activity in your neighbourhood. After all the hard work getting the new licence, it will be great to start reaping benefits straight away.

It goes without saying that licensees and their staff must be on their guard against local police and environmental health officers eager to take a few scalps. We all know there's plenty of people keen to have a go at pubs. So do make sure your staff are extra careful. The £80 fines for serving under-age drinkers will make quite a dent in most bar staffs' Christmas plans. And incidents like that will not help your cause if any meddling locals want to start gunning for your licence.

From where the Morning Advertiser sits, it's been a fascinating year. What seems most apparent to us is the amazing gutsiness and nous of our licensee readers. Never before has running a pub been such a highly-skilled business operation. Coping with these demands is a massive challenge.

It means that the MA has to work even harder, helping licensees thrive, prosper and enjoy rather than just endure their jobs.

Let's hope next year proves prosperous for you all. We'll be trying our hardest to make sure it is. And in the meantime, have a truly great Christmas.

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