LTC provides hope and
help for those in a crisis
The Licensed Trade Charity (LTC) helps those working in or retired from the drinks trade who have hit a crisis point in their lives.
It takes calls on a range of problems and helps people get back on their feet.
Joan Hicks, for example, had sold her pub and was looking for a job in bar management when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
She was unable to work during her treatment and struggled to get by. However, the charity was able to tide her over until she returned to work.
Meanwhile, Jane's mother died and her father struggled to bring her up alone, so he asked the charity for help.
Jane was awarded a boardingschool bursary at one of the charity's schools and was just about to sit her A-levels when her father died. The LTC helped Jane complete her education.
There are many ways it can make a difference, including:
l Emergency services - advice and assistance to stop people going under, losing their home or suffering hardship caused by illness or incapacity.
l Regular allowances - financial awards to cover pressing needs, such as paying bills.
l Living grants - to help pay for equipment, from household appliances to wheelchairs.
l Quality-of-life awards - contributions to major quality- of-life expenses to help disabled, ill or elderly people have items such as stair lifts.
l School bursaries - for boarding and education at the charity's schools.
l Housing advice and assist-ance - to help those who need retirement housing or face eviction.
l Phone-a-friend - help with benefits or a friend to visit.
l Last-respects grant - makes a contribution to funeral costs.
If you, or anyone you know, is struggling to cope, call the charity on 01344 884440.