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As the Proud of Pubs campaign gathers pace we urge you to sign up to our charter today - and show why you are proud of your pub.Licensees have been...

As the Proud of Pubs campaign gathers pace we urge you to sign up to our charter today - and show why you are proud of your pub.

Licensees have been flocking to tell their stories to The Publican under the Proud of Pubs banner. Real stories about real people. Business-building ideas to be proud of. Stories, hopefully, to inspire other pubs and show what a great industry this is.

And more senior figures are uniting behind the campaign, underlining the trade's long-term commitment to putting pubs on the front foot and highlighting the fabulous story the pub industry has to tell.

Andy Brooks of the Laughing Fish in Isfield, East Sussex, read about the launch of Proud of Pubs in The Publican and said he was proud of the progress he and his wife Linda have made over the past five years.

Borrowing some principles from Marks & Spencer has enabled the business to expand rapidly. Andy worked for the retailer for 20 years and it is its "Quality. Value. Service" slogan which has inspired the pub towards healthy profits and a 90 per cent increase in turnover since 2000.

Getting the service right is the most important element of the business, Andy believes, and one which has ensured the pub's success.

"Customers need to feel that they're genuinely welcome. For new customers, the first impression is crucial, and a smile and acknowledgement from whoever is behind the bar is absolutely essential," he said.

"Selection of the right front-of-house people has been difficult but vitally important. We talk to our customers, ask where they're from, and engage them in conversation about the pub and the area. We keep them informed, particularly when it comes to service times on food - when we're busy we tell them if there's going to be a delay.

"We also keep in touch with our customers through a regular newsletter and website."

Andy is proud of the fact that he has kept the pub as a pub, with those who just want a quiet pint given the same welcome as those who want a three-course meal.

Martin Grady of the Redoubt (pictured)​, a Punch pub in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, also said he was compelled to get in touch after reading about the campaign. He is the first licensee to sign up to the Proud of Pubs Charter.

"I'm proud of my pub and I want to tell the world about it," said Martin. "We're a proper traditional pub. We serve traditional cask ale, not smooth, and we've got staff who have been with us for years.

"Our football team has won the local league for the past six years and this year we won the West Riding Cup."

But where the Redoubt really places itself at the heart of its neighbourhood is with an innovative charity scheme which sees every pensioner coming into the pub at Christmas handed a cash sum.

"We raise money every week through bonus balls and bingo cards. Every Christmas we pay out to all our regulars who are older than 60. Last year we paid 75 pensioners £25 each, and this year by the look of it we'll be able to pay them all a bit more," explains Martin.

"All our charity fundraising goes back to the local community - I'm a big believer in charity beginning at home."

It's the contribution to charity which really gives licensees Ian Wharmby and Nathan Head pride in their pub, the Canterbury Arms in Ashton-Under-Lyne, Lancashire.

"We are proud of our pub because year-on-year we improve our efforts to raise money for local charities," said Ian.

"Our ladies darts team has just raised £650 for a local hospice. Last year they raised more than £1,000 for a baby care unit. Recently we raised £400 for the Royal British Legion and £250 to help Children in Fear, as well as £250 for the local children's hospital and many small donations amounted to around £100 for the FABLE charity for people with epilepsy.

"All this and the work goes on - more than £3000 has gone to various charities in the past year, and that's why we are proud of our pub."

  • Tell us your stories. Why are you proud of your pub? How do you tell your local community about it? Let us know on 020 7955 3780, or email cebhqbschof@gurchoyvpna.pbz​.

Signed the charter?

Have you signed up to the Proud of Pubs Charter? Let us know on the Proud of Pubs Hotline at 020 7955 3780, email us at cebhqbschof@gurchoyvpna.pbz​ or write to us at Proud of Pubs, The Publican, CMPI, Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 9UY.

Find out more about our Proud of Pubs campaign here​.

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