Thousands back call to 'Lay off my Local'

Morning Advertiser campaign gets off to a thunderous start by John Harrington Thousands of pub regulars are delivering a noisy 'Lay off my Local...

Morning Advertiser campaign gets off to a thunderous start

by John Harrington

Thousands of pub regulars are delivering a noisy 'Lay off my Local message to the national media and politicians by backing the Morning Advertiser's Heart of the Community campaign.

The MA office has been flooded with pages of signatures from regulars at scores of pubs, regulars who are eager to show their support for their cherished local as part of the campaign.

Last week, the MA launched the initiative, which stresses the importance of pubs at the centre of local life, in response to a tide of negative stories about pubs. Pub regulars are being asked to sign a petition that the licensee can send to the MA (see box below). These will be used to show the media and opportunistic politicians that pubs don't deserve the criticism they are getting.

The Mallard pub in Telford, Shropshire, has so far collected the highest number of signatures, with 145 regulars signing the petition. Dave Dajzler, manager at the Highgate Brewery-owned pub, said: 'We have football, dominoes, darts and pool teams here who were all around this weekend to sign the petition.

He added: 'It's great that someone is hitting back against the press and people who don't really know what they are talking about.

Trade leaders also gave their backing to the Heart of the Community campaign.

Punch Taverns' customer services director Francis Patton said: 'The role pubs play in their communities is hugely misunderstood and if ever there was a time to shout about their successes and the positive contribution they make to society, then it is now.

'Any initiative that helps communicate this message is good news for pubs. We should all take time to speak up on behalf of the great British local.

Union Pub Company managing director Stephen Oliver agreed. 'I think it's time the industry came out fighting about the positive benefits of pubs. All the fuss about licensing reform casts a shadow over the industry. The vast majority of licensees are incredibly hard working and are getting a rough ride from the media.

Paul Wigham, chief executive of pub company Bar Group, said he would put the posters up in all of the firm's 26 pubs. 'I think it's a great idea to get something going that gets the public involved, he said.

Federation of Licensed Victual-lers Associations chief executive Tony Payne said: 'I think the campaign is good because we all need to try to get across the message about the benefits of the pub. I always say we don't brag enough about how much we do for the community.

Campaign for Real Ale chief executive Mike Benner said: 'Campaigns, such as the Heart of the Community initiative, which promote all the good aspects of what pubs have to offer a local community, will be fully supported by Camra.

'Camra organises National Pubs Week in February every year to encourage more people to visit more pubs, and we look forward to working closely with the MA and the BII to build the support that pubs deserve.

Glendola Leisure managing director Alex Salussolia said: 'Anything to promote the pub in a positive way at the heart of the community, not as an evil of the community, is a tremendous cause to get behind.

l Councils looking for more hours powers p2

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